Seriously what gives...why is laundry such a chore?? Oh, maybe because my family thinks it's okay to change their outfits, numerous times a day!!
Let's start with my fashion forward son, what a Fashionista (or would it be Fashionisto)??? He is always looking to make a statement; even if it's his mom who has to wash the three outfits he wore in one day to make that statement.
When he wakes up in the morning, he picks out a cool outfit for the day, then showers and styles his fauxhawk. Later in the day if he gets dirty, the temperature changes or if he is just feeling spontaneous, he will change his outfit, again. At bedtime he changes once again, into his cozy pajamas and never wears them two days in a row....seriously this kid has issues. I try to explain to him that he only slept in the pajama's and unless he pee'd the bed or pooped his pants they are clean. My son is not having it and refuses to wear day old pajama's, all the while looking at me like I have some nerve to even suggest such a thing. By this time I give up, so Prince Charming puts him to bed.
Now the apple does not fall far from the Tree, Prince Charming (my hubby) also showers in the morning and changes into his work clothes, comes home from a hard days work, showers and changes into comfy clothes, then before bed changes into his pajamas, possibly showering again, if he worked on the yard or grilled dinner. Meanwhile, all this laundry ending up in the dirty laundry baskets. My Prince, however will spare me and wear pajamas more than one day possibly 2...3 tops and that is pushing it.
My Diva Daughter is the worst of them all; she is notorious for having clean clothes in the dirty laundry. And don't get me started on her towel factor. After each shower, Diva grabs for a new towel equaling a minimum of 10 towels a week!
According to a credible source(da world wide web), Laundry limbo is when you forget to switch over the laundry and must rewash it or when you forget to take it out of the dryer and it gets wrinkled, hence having to re-wash it.
Recently, I have made a valiant effort at cutting cost by conserving energy and not wasting clothes as often. Trying to avoid the good ol' Landry Limbo. So I came up with a few new rules...there are only two laundry days; Tuesday and Thursdays. If your clothes
must be washed on off days, then you are on your own and
must wash them yourself! Also if you want your clothes washed on the designated days, it must be brought to the laundry room and separated. Lastly, there is a towel limit that has been enforced.
The days of mom fetching your dirty laundry are ova!!! Today, marks week three and just between us, it's going much better than I had expected.