Everyone has three lives a public life(blog) a private life (family) and a secret life(I am a spy), kidding no really my secret life surfaced a few months ago. My secret life is the one in the core of my heart and soul!
When I least expected it late last year my life shifted and nothing seems the same! I didn't ask for change or did I??? For the past few months I have been doing much soul searching and self evaluating..I have made some significant decisions...some good, some bad...
I noticed that when life shifted I started to draw a blank on my creative outlet, there were days I wasn't sure if I was coming or going and some days I didn't want to come or go! I am okay but I found it hard to be positive and uplifting when I did not believe it!
I have a better understanding today on where I am going and that life is not scripted, there are going to be high points and low points and sometimes it is when we are at the low points we learn the most! I am so grateful for the fabulous people in my life!! My fellow bloggers and readers are also pretty damn awesome!
Sassy Chica