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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bad Blogger

Who wants to admit that they are a bad blogger??? I must admit, I have been a bad blogger, my apologies, I see by the numbers that many Sassy readers visit daily and it's bothersome to me that they find nothing new!

Everyone has three lives a public life(blog) a private life (family) and a secret life(I am a spy), kidding no really my secret life surfaced a few months ago. My secret life is the one in the core of my heart and soul!

When I least expected it late last year my life shifted and nothing seems the same! I didn't ask for change or did I??? For the past few months I have been doing much soul searching and self evaluating..I have made some significant decisions...some good, some bad...

I noticed that when life shifted I started to draw a blank on my creative outlet, there were days I wasn't sure if I was coming or going and some days I didn't want to come or go! I am okay but I found it hard to be positive and uplifting when I did not believe it!

I have a better understanding today on where I am going and that life is not scripted, there are going to be high points and low points and sometimes it is when we are at the low points we learn the most! I am so grateful for the fabulous people in my life!! My fellow bloggers and readers are also pretty damn awesome!

I wish you all a Happy Hump Day full of love and laughter...here is a little inspiration for ya:

Sassy Chica

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hello Monday

Picture to the left says it all!!! This morning started with a startling phone call at 5AM, it was my husbands boss calling him into work early....then when I was just falling back to sleep, the phone rang again....boss calls back to say no need to rush, come in at your regular time! Thanks Boss Man!! Needless to say I have been up since and now feel like I need a nap!!

The weekend was fabulous!! Friday night was spent at home low key...some neighbors stopped over for the Chicago Bulls game, we had a few cocktails and BULLS WIN

Saturday was an amazing day spent with two of my favorite people in the whole world, my sisters!! Later in the evening I attended one of the Sassiest Girl Night Out parties with my sister and let me just say it was out of control....lots of fun, lots of laughs and lots of cocktails

Surprisingly, on Sunday I didn't feel too bad. Later in the day my mother had summoned my siblings and I to her house for lunch...she then dropped the bomb that she has sold our childhood home and will be moving to Texas in a month...wow!

It was bitter sweet...bitter because that is the home we grew up in, that is our center and it is where we have so many memories with our father, who passed 9years ago! Sweet because the house is way to big for my mother and it was becoming a financial burden on her!

Later I made my way home watched the Football playoffs and rested for the rest of the day...ahhhhh, great way to spend a Sunday!

So what have I missed, how have you been and how was your weekend?

Sassy Chica

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rock 2010

Ooh wee, I am finally starting to feel normal again, this cold/flu really rocked me!! I am not sure exactly which one it was...but I am happy that it is finally on its way out!

I am so ready to get back on the ball and continue to rock 2010! Thus far there is progress in which I will report on later this month!

The weekend was relaxing and I had some down time to reflect. Friday I stayed in and rested, Saturday was spent with friends watching American football playoffs (always a good time),Sunday more football!! I cant help but to ponder a question a fellow Sassy Chica asked me on Saturday night?

She simply asked, what do you want for 2010 and I responded:

With the most sincere look on her face she said,that sounds good, but what does happy look like???

Wow..now as you know I set my resolutions on what I wanted to accomplish, but never really took the time to think of what it would look like to be happy!!

So I will ponder this a bit more and share my thoughts later with my resolution progress...but please do share with me WHAT DOES HAPPY LOOK LIKE TO YOU???

Sassy Chica

side note:thank you all for the get well wishes and for visiting...your love is always appreciated!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's Official

Happy day to you!! One more day until the weekend, yahoooo!! I am doing the best I can to recover. From what you may ask??

Late Monday I was attacked with one of the worst cold/flu's of the season! This virus is something fierce, I was doing the best I could to not let it get the best of me, until it moved into my ears and now It's official, this cold/flu knocked me on may @$$ !

Here is a valid question, who takes care of the mama when she is sick?? I am so ready for this illness to move along! Doesn't this illness know I don't have time to be sick...I have people to take care of, places to go, things to do and people to see!

I hope you are doing well and are making things happen in 2010! Enjoy this day, for tomorrow it is gone and there is no going back!!

Sassy Chica

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Beautiful Thing

Happy Monday Sassy Readers! I hope that you had a fabulous weekend, full of love and laughter! My weekend was extremely out of the ordinary, very simple and quiet...I had much alone time, since my family went out of town. I am so use to the hustle and bustle of life that I almost panic'd when I had no plans of my own. I made the best of my time and used it to reflect and relax.

To my surprise, I spent my time watching sports, movies and reading...ahhh, I feel rested and loved spending time with me!
HERE IS WHAT I LEARNED THIS WEEKEND:I hope you have a wonderful Monday!!! How was your weekend???
Sassy Chica

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hello Gorgeous...Happy Friday! So excited for the weekend! No plans for me as of yet. We are in the midst of a snow storm here in Chicago which means staying in is our best bet.

Staying in ordering pizza, having a glass of wine and watching movies...just what I need a little rest and relaxation...or we can always go and hang out with our lively neighbors who love to let loose on Fridays...hmmm???? Decisions...decisons!

Chicago is an amazing place to live. There is so much excitement, great sports, lively people, but the winters wear me down! It is cold and colder! Winter is also the longest coldest season of the year! Maybe its time to move, somewhere warm, somewhere where the sun is mostly shining...a chica can dream right? Not sure I would ever move from home...this is where my heart is!

What will you be doing this weekend???

I wish you all a FABULOUS FRIDAY, full of LOVE!!
Sassy Chica

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Progress In The New Year

Hello Gorgeous! Happy Hump Day, I hope you are making it a good one!

I am happy to report that I am starting to see a little progress this year and am so happy for it( I mean it is only day 6)! There seems to be a new'ness in this year, the funk I was feeling is slowly fading...slowly but surely...I normally would not share this personal feeling with you, except that I understand that I was not the only one in a funk and if I can offer hope and inspiration to one soul then I am willing to share that with you!

It is so easy to let our circumstances keep us down and feeling blue! Nothing has dramatically changed in my life, except for my way of thinking. On New Years Eve at the stroke of Midnight I was disappointed, I had been talking about change and was expecting for something to miraculously happen at that exact moment(I know silly, but honest) then I realized I have to change the way I think and learn once again to take life "One Day at a Time"! That is all we are granted, no more no less!

So here is today's inspiration: DREAM BIG, LIVE LARGE, LOVE A LOT!!!

How are you doing on the 6th day of the New Year???


Sassy Chica

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Walking Shoes

Hot damn, these shoes have a purpose!!

I love the quote in the picture to the left and am taking it to heart! We are in charge of our lives! Granted our circumstances may be a bear to deal with in order to make changes. This we must keep in mind...If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving a new one.

Easier said then done, you may be thinking...possibly, but first things first we must plan our work and work our plan, think it through and write down...what is going take make you happy??

Many times we live our lives in the rush of the rat race, working, providing, supporting, giving to everyone, but ourselves? Check in with yourself from time to time and keep track of what you did to pursue your dreams or accomplish a goal?

This year I take my life back, I will be good to all I love...but I vow to be good to myself! Take care of myself, love myself and most importantly make time to search within myself...what is going to make me happy??? This is the question that I have been pondering for sometime...I have yet to answer the question in a complete manner; however there are many things that don't make me happy and that is where I will start paving a new path!

What will you do to pave a new path?

Sassy Chica

Monday, January 4, 2010

This Is The Day

Happy Monday!! Today marks the beginning of the first week in 2010. I am so happy to be alive and take part!
This my friends, is the day I change everything, by the thoughts I think, by the things I do, by the love I give! I embrace this day with an open heart and expect good things to come!

Don't get me wrong I don't live in a fairytale where everything is rainbows and roses...but I dream to!
I started my day by making a To Do list, keeping it simple!

Here is how my list started:

On a side note: the kiddies returned to school this morning and the house is peaceful; just me, the puppies and my computer! Two weeks at home with two kids, two dogs, and the stress of the holidays was exhausting, but we made it through and everyone is still in one piece and for this we are grateful!! I wish you a happy Monday, be sure to...
How are you doing on this first Monday of the year??


Sassy Chica

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday's Inspiration

Hello Sassy readers, I wish you a beautiful Sunday full of love, laughter and inspiration! Today I found the greatest list of Natural Highs; I am so excited to share with you...
My favorite: Laughing so hard your stomach hurts!
Actually they are all my favorite!! My Highs would also include, feeling the unconditional love of my children and family...as well as a hot new pair of shoes!

What are your natural highs?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hello 2010!

Hot damn, New Year's Eve was fabulous...the best part was saying Hello 2010!!

This year we partied like RockStars till the wee hours of the morning...I was blessed to be in the company of close family and friends:)

Ever since the stroke of midnight, I have felt a sense of change, a new'ness in my soul...it is refreshing and full of hope...2009 really bit the big one, yet it served it's purpose to push me to want change and encourage me for change in 2010!!

I once read that....

Regardless of what the reason for change is, I know in my heart that this year is going to be different, "there is no prediction to the future, one must create it"~author unknown~
This is my New Year wish for you....
How was your New Year and what did you do to celebrate??
Sassy Chica