Not only are crazy people attracted to me, but I also claim some of the craziest mishaps.
A few months ago, I stopped in at one of my favorite stores. Shortly after walking in, I couldn't help but to notice, from the corner of my eye a woman staring at me. My initial thought was this woman has good taste; she was wearing a gorgeous pair of sling back heels and had the cutest matching handbag.
Coincidentally, we kept running into each other. Like every other aisle. When we reached the back end of the store, I felt this awkward stalkerish vibe, as though she may have been following me. So I subtly, yet sarcastically turned and asked in a playful voice "are you following me"? Her answer just about rocked my world, when she answered, Yes!
I stopped and asked if we knew each other. Her reply was, NO. She followed up by saying "you have great hair, can I touch it"? I shook my head and looked at her like she had a third eye, while asking back "YOU want to touch my hair"?
Being a Latina woman and semi superstitious I didn't want her to give me evil eye (story for another day), so I agreed and let this wacko touch my hair. Within a split second I pulled away and she launched a million questions. She asked what shampoo I used, where I got my hair did and how long it had taken to grow my hair out?
I replied with a bit of sarcasm, that I do nothing special to my hair....except beat the hell out of it with a hair dryer, flat iron and cheap hairspray. I also sarcastically said, Good hair was my gift from God...I would have preferred a fast metabolism, but no such luck.
Totally creeped out at this point, I was saved by the bell when my cellphone rang. It was the universe saving me, or so I thought. I then headed to the check out aisle, making sure Crazy was not in line; however when I looked back guess who was behind me??? Yep, Crazy was back! I quickly reached for my cellphone and made a bogus call to my own house, I know ridiculous!!
Later that evening I shared my stalker story with my girlfriends and we had a good laugh.
What would you have done???
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest.
This post made me laugh out loud... I cannot imagine someone actually asking to touch my hair! I remember strangers asking to touch my belly when I was pregnant but nothing that weird. I would NEVER have let her touch me. I, however, and a nutcase myself, and would have left the store the minute I notice someone following me ~ but would never have been in their myself to begin with.. but that is a sory of mine for another day, and I'm medicated.
Have a wonderful weekend, and I love your blog, you are a great writer.
happy saturday!
You handled it well, too bad she was too slow to pick up on the sarcasm. But then again my guess would be that you have to be a little on the slow side to want to touch other peoples hair. I had a similar encounter at T@rget the other day, the woman wouldnt leave me alone, wondered up and down the aisle with me asking me about the details of my birth plan. Call me bitchy but really, I just want to shop in peace.
Happy SITS sharefest day! Some people! Love your blog, nice to read
That is too funny. Attracting crazies is also another gift from god. You either have it or you don't.
I would have let her touch my hair too so don't yourself up too harshly.
I mean hey, that's great compliment!
Yeah that has stalker written all over it. Creepy!! I think you handled it well!
Kinda reminds me of the day I was at a book store and some guy was staring at me and following me. Turns out he thought I was some girl he went to high school who had totally rejected him. He was convinced I was her and it totally creeped me out.
Stopping by from SITS Sharefest
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!!
Great story! I have had this done once before. You are flattered but then again are a little freaked out!
Have a great Saturday!
Wow! Not sure what I would have done...kind of like when your pregnant and everyone wants to rub the belly...ugh!
Thanks for visiting today! Hopefully, football will be more interesting for you this year!
Blessings to you!
Hi! Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day! See you in Vegas!!!
ROFL!!!! That is wayyyyyyy tooo creepy! I would have scooted out of there ASAP and come back later if there was something I wanted in that shop. Some people are so odd! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog :) Have a great weekend!
That is so funny (yet scary)! BTW, I live 10 miles from Mexico and I know exactly what the Evil Eye (we call it ojo) is!
okay that chick IS crazy... run chica run!! my skin is crawling as i type
At least she didn't tell you that you had a really great mustache. Yes, it happens, checkout my blog this past week and read all about that little shop of horrors! Glad you escaped unscathed!
Glad u made it out of there okay! I think I would have been more chicken and ducked out of the store, come back later for my shoes!
You must have one fabulous head of hair. :) This story made me laugh and wince at the same time.
I would have been flattered and freaked out at the same time.
As a Puerto Rican woman, I so know about the "evil eye". LOL.
Stopping by fro SITs. Enjoyed your post. Please stop by and check my blog out. :) Follow me, I'll follow back. :)
Ha! I thought that only happened to me. My hair is big, lustrous and curly. Like you, I do nothing to it, but wash it and put some gel on it to control the afro effect *grin* but I've had more than one person ask me "Is it real?" or "Do you mind if I touch it?" Heck yeah I mind! I don't know where your hands have been! Okay, I usually let them touch it, if the one asking is a kid, but when is a guy I just give him a nasty look. A girl, I look at her suspiciously until she walks away.
Stopped by from SITS! Stop by my blog you my enjoy "Law of Attraction or Dirty Look?"
hahaha Dear Lord what a story! I have no idea what I would do but probably the same! Once I had a "similar" situation, I was in a club with my friend and with our dates /actually we met on a party and we continued to party together/ one of this guys was telling me crap that he respects me and bla bla bla but then he said "Can I smell you hair????" I was like..."yyyy yeahhh sure!" /thinking that's weird!/ and then he said "Can I smell your skin??? You smell so amazing!" I was ok man! but that was kinda strange to me! so I do understand!
That was just hilarious! No wonder she freaked you out!
Glad she just asked to feel your hair....
Keep away from crazy ladies! I have a story about an insane lady I met in a shoe store... Just if you have the time and feel like a giggle:
Have a great week!
I asked you not to write about our encounter we had recently....
I don't think I could have let her touch my hair. How weird! I think I'd probably leave the store as quickly as possible. You did a good job of handling it!
Stopping by from SITS!
"Get your mitts of my head, lady, if you want to be wearing gloves anytime soon!".
I think you handled it really well! A similar thing actually happened to my boss at work..she kept getting emails from someone in the company she didn't know asking all about her hair -what shampoo she uses etc. I guess there are some people who are really into hair!
That is intensely disturbing, to say the least. You have to wonder (well, I do, anyway) what possesses someone to follow a random stranger with Intent to Touch Hair.
I think I would have run away bravely - kudos for handling with such style!
holy crap that is totally creepy! and I wear my evil eye bracelets religiously (Im not superstitious, but I like their concept and colors!)
Thanks for visiting and leaving those lovely comments! =)
yep - that's just plain weird. sure = compliment you on your hair, then MOVE ON LADY!!! you did well to get out of it - bless the cellphone!
thanks for stopping by
Holy cow this is freaky/funny.
I think you made some great moves (calling home!), although I have a suggestion: You could've used the skunkeye, or at least the skeptical "Are you crazy?" single brow raise.
Both are less hazardous than the evil eye.
And you should've taken a pic for this post!
My coarse curly hair would not have allowed for release and I would've had to drive home with her on my lap.
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