My favorite day of the week is Friday! Don't get me wrong I also love Saturday and Sundays, but there is just something about the energy and excitement of Fridays, that tickles my fancy!
Tonight I will be joining my fellow neighborhood Chica's for our Monthly 'Ladies Night'. Our group started out as 4neighbors who wanted to get to know each other better over a glass of wine and some food.
After the first few months our circle grew from 4Chica's to 15 and now, well I don't know the count. Not all of our attendees live in our neighborhood, it is an open invitation to anyone who wants a night out...the more the merrier!!
I stand by my statement that "I live in on the best block in the world" and have the best neighbors! Its amusing that we even do Ladies Night since most of us hang out every weekend anyway..but that's just how we roll. Our parties are never shy of food or drink, each attendee brings an appetizer or dessert and a drink to share. Lots of food, lots of drinks and lots of fun.
Most, if not all of the neighbors we hang out with are coupled or married so the male significant others use to get jealous that just the Chica's would gather, so they formed their own guys night to play poker. The twist is we always end up together at the end of the night! Either they end up at our party or we will crash theirs (with food in hand of course)!
What will you be doing on this Fabulous Friday Night??
Spending time with my parents, playing cards and eating! My hubby is going on a deep-sea fishing trip all weekend, so perfect time to see the family :)
Hey, my girls/chicas and I have a BUNCO night every month! We all live in the same city (small) and yeah, it's funny that we PLAN these special nights when we see each other all the time anyway! LOL! Tonight is our weekly co-ed softball game . . . I tell you . . . it's too funny. :D
Funny you should mention Bunco, because when we first got our group together we thought about doing a bunco night, we gathered the right amount of Chica's to play...but never got to the game(this went on for a few months).
Maybe someday we will re-try.
I think Bunco is fabulous, I use to play with the chica's in the next subdivision who are also a riot!!
Let me know how the recipe turns out!
Hi! Just stopping by after I saw you clicked "follow" on my blog! Thank you :)
I am so so so jealous of your neighborhood. That's exactly what I wanted! (but instead hubby wanted 5 acres out in the middle of nowhere...sigh)
Have a great night!!
Hi from SITS! Sounds like a lot of fun! I wish we had some friendly neighbors to hang out with... We mostly spend time w/ family. :) Have a great Saturday Sharefest!
wow I would be excited too if I were you! you're lucky you have awesome neighbours you can have fun with!!! sounds amazing!
thank you for stopping by and for leaving amazing comments and for following me and for being awesome!
You gained a new follower!
bisous! deva!
Sounds like my kind of neighborhood! There is nothing better than a great group of friends. I have some of the BEST and it is part of my very core now.
Enjoy! My group will toast to yours next time we have our girl's night out =]
You are very lucky lady to have such wonderful neighbors! I am completely jealous!
I live for our girls night! Every woman should have one. Hope you had fun at yours. Stopped in from SITS!
I love ladies night but sometimes finding long lasting a cool ladies to hang w/ can be a challenge! Keep the positive vibe flowing'
Live Well,
You go girl(s) !!!
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