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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Not Medically Trained

After self diagnosing and self medicating for months of sinus pressure, allergies and an extreme summer cold; I finally went to see a Doctor. During this visit, I came to terms with the fact that this Sassy Chica is not medically trained.

I mentioned to the Dr. that my symptoms started in February, she was not at all impressed with me. I broke the camels back (per'se) when I told her that I took six days of left over penicillin to cure my summer cold(whoopsie).

At first the DR. looked at me like I was insane, then she realized her mouth was open in amazement! She composed herself, thanked me for being honest and gave me a good ol' talking to about taking old medication.

Before I had met with the Dr, I met with her nurse; told her I was guilty of self diagnosing & medicating. I just couldn't help but to ask her if they had a name for patients like me (since I would be blogging about it). She looked at me like I was crazy and said "No", there is no name for patient like you. I call Bullshit, I know back at their nurses station they(the nurses) brief the Doctors with something like...we have one of thooosse again.

Well regardless, I am now on the road to recovery with the appropriate medicine and a good ol' talking to.

Side-note: The hubster, drove me to my Dr appointment; I thought it was for support, it was not! He wanted to hear first hand what the Doctor had to say. This also gave him a chance to say things like, "I told you so" and "See what you've done"...what a trader!! On the flip side he is being extremely comforting, I just may milk this a little longer!


Crystal said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) I too am guilty of taking left over meds - bad girl! Glad you are getting your sinus-y stuff taken care of, it's no fun that's for sure.

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm glad you are on the road to recovery.

BTW, I love the name of your blog!

Anonymous said...

You've suffered pain since February?! I quake in my boots every time I even *think* of the doctor but even I couldn't stay in pain that long. It makes me think...what is the *opposite* of a hypochondriac?

I'm glad you finally got it sorted. :)

Anonymous said...

I totally do that too! Glad you're on the road to recovery!