I am a worrier by nature and even though I know that there are times when I must be still and wait for things to work themselves out; my toughest challenge is the feeling of lack of control and the unknown. Why am I writing about this instead of rainbows and butterflies or shoes and purses, well because I know that many are facing tough times, many are challenged with tough decisions and many are looking for a glimpse of hope to keep believing! So here is some Fabulous Friday Inspiration for you:

Enjoy this Fabulous Friday, make a list of 10things you are grateful for, it helps to see that even in tough times, there are moments of promise! Tell those around you that you love them, for no one is promised a tomorrow and most importantly, LOVE AND BE LOVED!!!
Sassy Chica
Great post! I too am a worrier.. I agree we both have so much to be grateful for. Great post and happy weekend!
Thanks for the inspirational thoughts! I struggle with the worrying too. : )
While I am not a worrier, I am also not always lighthearted and can get cranky over things, like an extra 7 lbs let's say. But in my heart I know how lucky I am and how blessed. I just need to remind myself in the crankiest of times.
Have a great weekend!!!!
I'm a worrier, as well.
Great!!! post.
Have a wonderful and enjoyful weekend! :)
Great outlook, my friend.
what an inspiration. I'm a newbie to your blog. I thought I was going to read about all things girly, shoes, clothes, the usual. But this is really good. The first post I read on your blog and it's really inspirational. Have a great weekend sweetie. You can definitely count on me coming back to your blog to read more of your posts. =)
nice post hun!!lovely pictures to go with it. :)
I'm grateful that your blog exists. :D Heh, it's such a cute uplifter!
I am a Mother and a Partner, worry is my middle name! Great post! xx
oh worry... I know it ah too well :))
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