Here are a few of my Sassy Summer favorites:
- Enjoying the outdoors with family and friends
- Frozen Cocktail's and basking in the Sun
- Planting Flowers/the warm essence of nature
- Open-toed shoes and sassy sandals
- BBQ's and Grilling (oh so good)
- Baseball...we will try again next year, Chicago Cubs.
- My Birthday came and went in a hot second
Now on the flip side of my list here are some things I will not miss:
- Mosquito's (they are fierce wear I live and wear helmets)
- Kids complaining they want to turn on the air conditioner
- Hearing the Landscapers at 7AM
- Humidity (I am not a fan of swollen ankles, melted make up and flat hair)
What will you be doing this Fabulous weekend??
What ever this weekend should bring, have a Happy and Safe Labor Day WEEKEND!
I'll miss summer, but I am not a fan of the humidity, either!
Stopping by from SITS.
It's NOT okay that summer is over!!! I'm in denial, but maybe that's because I live in So Cal where it's still over 100 every day. : )
Hi from SITS!
Humidity does not make my hair flat, it actually makes me look like a big fluff ball!
I'm gonna miss summer too....It's my favorite season.
dear ms. sassy:
thanks for stopping by my blog! love the illustrations on yours BTW
We had a terrible summer in the SF Bay Area, but now that Sept arrived we are getting our traditional Indian summer and Sept/Oct are the best months of the year!
I love frozen cocktails.
fall is my favorite too. i'm a halloween fanatic. i wish summer was gone here (vegas) we are still seeing triple digits and school is back in. dont ya think there is something wrong with that? i do.
I am not a great fan of Summer and in Malta it starts round about May and ends round about November! sucks man its tooooo long! anyhow I shouldn't complain I guess but this month is humidity month and well everything sticks to you!
I'll miss summer too! I'm not a morning person and I don't like the whole 'get up and get ready for school routine'
This w/e we are entertaining. Griling a lot of fish and garden veggies for friends and family!
I totally agree with you! I love the warmth of summer but the bugs and humidity are cruel! I am excited for fall, all of the recipes that I love and won't feel to hot to cook. I do not like how much weight I gain from these yummy fixings but it is worth it. I am stopping by from SITS for Shareday.
I too will miss summer. I cannot believe how quickly it came and went. BUT i wont miss the mosquitos, humidity or the broken air conditioner! haha
We will enjoy the beautiful weather while it lasts. Bummer that summer is over but excited for my son to begin pre-school. Woo Hoo for that!
New reader here! Your blog is adorable, found you from SITS and I am following. :)
We will enjoy the beautiful weather while it lasts. Bummer that summer is over but excited for my son to begin pre-school. Woo Hoo for that!
New reader here! Your blog is adorable, found you from SITS and I am following. :)
I am actually a lover of the fall season-I live in Oklahoma and our summers are brutal hot and humid...your blog is adorable
Hope your having a wonderful labor day weekend
oh and something else i wont miss about summer-the flies!
I will also miss summer.
But I will not miss those danged mosquitos and all the other bugs that comes with it.
It is pretty much summer here all year long. We have 2 seasons. Hot and really, really, really hot!
Have a great weekend!
What a great list. We live in Atlanta so summer is far from over here. LOL. Love your summer faves.
Winter has just finished here in Perth and the Sept 1st saw the first day of Spring - my favourite season - so the warmer weather should be heading our way pretty soon!
fall is my favorite time of year too!
Just dropping by from SITS to say hi; Hope you'll do the same.
Oh i actually can't wait for the fall to come and put an end to this crazy hot summer!
Happy Labor Day! Oh and you may want to check again cause i have something cute up and running!
I won't miss the heat of summer. Bring on the snow!!!! LOL
GREAT lists of favorite summer things! I'm so sad to see summer go!
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