Unbelievable, it's Monday already!! I apologize for my absence from blogging. This past week and a half has been a blur. Majority of my time was with my loved ones and let me just say, there is no other place I would have rather been!! My family member was sent home on hospice yesterday and with the Grace of God, we have united as a family to share our services, love and support to him, his wife and children...after all that is what family is for! Thank you to all you fabulous readers who sent me positive energy and well wishes, I sincerely appreciate them all!
Over these past few days, I have had some quiet time to do some thinking...I thought to myself, am I living up to my life's potential, is there more I can be doing or things I have not even attempted to do, so here is my question to you
Over these past few days, I have had some quiet time to do some thinking...I thought to myself, am I living up to my life's potential, is there more I can be doing or things I have not even attempted to do, so here is my question to you

Sassy Chica
oh dont talk abt mondays!!i hate them absolutely from the core of my heart.
What a great quote you have today! I actually have this posted in front of my treadmill and I used it as my motivation when I was training for my 5K earlier this year. You are so right to think about this stuff. The possibilities are endless when you have that drive and determination. Go get ‘em!
That is a really good question! I'm not sure what I'd do and that is sort of sad. I'm going to have to think on that one!
Love your blog!
I am so happy your family member got to go home! What a blessing.
I would try to out acting if I knew that I could try it out and not fail..ha ha! All those casting calls and let downs are a mess. What im attempting to do right now.. and I hope I dont fail is loose weight!!
What a question !!! I'm going to ponder this one. I have a feeling it will give me some new perspective on things !
I'm not afraid of failure; I'm afraid of not trying.
Oh ,i hate, hate Mondays!
PLUS: i missed you.
Very thought provocing question.... I know I'm gonna be thinking about it all day now ;)
Visiting from SITS!
I hope you'll come by and check out my giveaway going on!
Nana's Box
Wow the possibilities are really endless. I am asking myself would I do something I am already kind of good at or enjoy or would I do something totally out of character?
Ok, won't be able to sleep tonight!
Glad to have you back!!
That is my all time favorite quote and I have it engraved on some silver block (think it's supposed to be a paperweight).
I look at it often and when I do, I make some change, granted it may be small, but it gets me someplace I want to be.
Mondays are boogers! I love your note about cancelling! lol If I knew I wouldn't fail, I would....dang that's hard....I'll get back to you.
your blog makes me smile!
thanks, darling!
Hmmm that is a really tough question, I'm going to be thinking about it for a few days...
Mondays are poop. So are Tuesday which is why I can't possibly answer a question that hard today. I'll think about it and get back to you. Maybe on Friday ;)
And I can totally relate to the blur canceling out blogging thing. I'm hoping to get back in the groove here soon.
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