Hello Beautiful...
I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous Wednesday; whether there is rain or shine, this day is gorgeous because we are alive!! You hear that...WE ARE ALIVE, so shake your tail feather!!!!
I have some great news, I finally made my initial goal of 25by35(to lose 25lbs by the time I was 35). This suddenly happen while I was away in Vegas and needless to say I feel fabulous! I have tried for years to lose weight and the initial 5 pounds would come off, but slowly I would gain them back. This time I am going at my own pace and am committed to eating right, getting enough sleep and exercising. My drink consumption, well that is still a work in progress!
I have some great news, I finally made my initial goal of 25by35(to lose 25lbs by the time I was 35). This suddenly happen while I was away in Vegas and needless to say I feel fabulous! I have tried for years to lose weight and the initial 5 pounds would come off, but slowly I would gain them back. This time I am going at my own pace and am committed to eating right, getting enough sleep and exercising. My drink consumption, well that is still a work in progress!

So here is today's inspiration, to all my Sassy readers:

The weight loss is not over, next week we will set our next goal, this week we will enjoy!! How are you doing on your journey and what motivates you to look past the imperfections???
Sassy Chica
Congrats on the weight loss, that's wonderful :) And thank you for the inspiration !!
I am still trying to get myself motivated to start weight watchers again. I will have to do something soon, can't buy new pants!
wow!!that was a nice post. :) Very inspiring and fresh.
oh thanx for sharing this .. n congrats :)
Congrats on losing that weight, and thanks for reminding us to have a better perspective. I've struggled to look past my own imperfections, but as I've been able to learn and get past some things, I realize that by not focusing on my imperfections, life is so much more enjoyable and positive. No matter what our situation, we are ALL beautiful! There's always room for improvement in some areas, of course, but we shouldn't beat ourselves up over things.
Niiiice job!! WooHoooo! I'm so happy for ya girl. You are such an inspiration :)
congrats honey! thats amazing!! and i love that quote!! seriously LOVE it! and you know what motivates me... the fact that if my husband can love me the way i am, then i should love me the way i am!
OMG! Sassy Chica, you're so awesome!
Loved the code, loved that pic L.Vuiton bag is great,(i have one),
loved everything!!
You're definitely CREATIVE! believe me.
i condider myself very lucky having "met" you.
hugs hugs
Felicidades on the weight loss, that is remarkable!!!
Weight Loss and you did it. Yahoo!!! Congratz!!!
Good job on the weight loss!!!!
Ooh nicely done with achieving goals & shedding pounds. :) <3
Congratulations Chica! If it were me, Vegas would have tanked all my weight loss goals. Good for you! And way to get right on to the next goal. You rock.
Stopping by from SITS, congrats on the weight loss!
Congratulations! I'm proud of you.
wow you go gurl, that is so awesome!
I love that first image!
And congratulations--you go girl!
It's always a pleasure to encourage a good cause. And to answer your question, it's difficult to say what I like the most. I love Music (Ekan learns to sing blog), Creative Writing (Just Gibberish), Personal Musing (Truth about me-self), Photography (Shutter Bug Clicking Away) and Travel (Where The Roads Take Me).
But I'd like you to go through a story that I recently wrote and let me know your thoughts on it. Here's the link for your convenience - http://jstgibberish.blogspot.com/2009/10/silhouette-short-story.html
Congrats on reaching your goal, that is awesome! I need to get my weight loss on track!
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