I have pondered this question numerous times from my own experiences as well as those who confide in me to ask is there such a thing as LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT??.
Here is a little story for you...My husband and I met 2years before we started dating. I went to a New Year's party with one of his friends (who I was kinda dating, I use the word dating loosely since there was not much going on). I was introduced to my now husband in a quick passing, I vaguely remember meeting him; however for the next two years he never forgot about me. To this day he remembers what outfit I was wearing, the way I wore my hair and a the scent of my perfume, most of all he says he remembers my eyes and my lips. According to him they seduced him and he fell in love with me at first sight.

No more than a few seconds later my cousin said to me, this is ****, the guy I was telling you about, I thought to my self HOT DAMN, if she is not interested I am, except that it was not cut and dry, I was dating someone at the time. We only spent an hour or so chit chatting then I had to leave. Something stronger than any force I have ever known kept bringing us together, because after that I ran into him all the time. On our third encounter he boldly asked me to marry him...TRUE STORY!
We were at a friends house for a small gathering and were asked to run to the store and pick up a few items, so I drove while he went with...on our way to the store(he would not stop talking), he asked me to marry him, I think his exact words were, "You are a beautiful woman, who knows what she wants and where she is going, I want to make sure all your dreams come true, Marry me and be my wife"? Seriously, this was our third encounter and he didn't even know my favorite color and he wanted to marry me....Lust or Love...I will leave that up to you to decide!
Have you ever found or been in LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, please do tell???
Yes! I am definitely a witness to this category. I met ma hubby that way. He had love at first site with me......however with me I just thought he was young (he looks really young for his age)so I wasn't interested until I found out his age and then it was love at first age for me! LOL! we eloped and we been living the married life since. We hitting our 2year anniversary in April! We not perfect but its one of the best decisions I ever made.......
Ms. Clean Freak, thanks for sharing your love with us! Love is not perfect but it is real!!! We can not control who we love and who we don't. I am happy to hear that it was one of your best decisions!
Sassy Chica
thanks for visiting:)
I definitely believe in lust at first site and intrigue at first site, but I think love at first site is a much rarer beast and happens less often than in the movies or books, so when it does happen it is special - so enjoy it!
I believe in love at first sight and in lust at first sight as well. I mean when you see someone for the first time you just feel there is a connection even if you have not spoken to that person. It happened to me once, I saw this guy and I though oh my he is cute and but nothing happened and a few months later he asked me out and well it was just a physical attraction cause we didn't have much in common and it started to fade away when I started seeing he was some kind of psyho! LOL
I believe in lust at first sight. I'm guilty of that - well who isn't. Love at first sight? I believe in it too but it hasn't happened to me yet.
Your story was very interesting! I have no experience in love at first sight. But yes, lust at first sight...leading to love! :-)
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
You definitely found MR.Freakingly fantastically right!!!!!!!!
Bet you're glad you grabbed hold of him!
He is soooooo your soul mate.
This is sooo romantic! You're lucky.
And to answer your question, it's love all the way baby.
I believe in things like fate, so it's not a surprise for me to "just know" that that's the person for you..even on first sight.
According to me Love at first site is nothing but lust.
I heard,i read a lot abt it, but somehow i am not able to accept it is love.May be i should experience it to understand it.
yes i did find love at first sight and i married him and then it all went shattering down and out !
i do believe in love at first sight! i felt in love with my husband this way and it works!
wish you a sweet day!
Unfortunately for me, it was not love at first sight. Mr. Encore asked me out about every 48 hours for almost 8 months! In the end, he wore me down, I went out hoping to get nothing more than a free meal and we've been so happy ever since!
Hola Chica! First of all, I would like to say how happy I am to hear there is some sassiness going down in Illinois. Thank goodness.
I am not sure how I feel about love at first sight. I do think it is interesting how things can sometimes fall into place very easily. I met my husband by chance on eHarmony, during my very last week of membership, when I didn't even live in the same state. And the rest is history.
Found you on SITS.
defenitely believe it :) i think when that hsppens you have found a soul mate
Love this story, it's so romantic !! I do believe in love at first sight ! I also believe there is lust at first sight as well. But it's so sweet when people really do fall in love at just a glance !!
Sassy Chica, I love this story!
I believe in love and lust at first sight.
Only time can tell them apart. I had lust ar first sight with my hubby. HE IS HOT!
awwww what a cute story!! you two were definitely meant to be. so cool!
happy friday gorgeous!
ohh girl...you know i'm all about love at first sight. my husband did the same thing....he looked for me for a year and didn't date anyone til he found me again. We were engaged in less than 2 weeks and were married 55 days after meeting. And you know me...3 kids later...still madly in love with my delicious piece of man meat...i'm a true believer!
What a romantic story! I don't know if I believe in love at first sight. What I do know is that the great loves of my life I felt an undeniably strong 'pull' to when I met them. Like a little voice whispered in my ear 'that's one for you'. Love or lust? Who can tell?
I don't know if it was love at first sight...but I knew RIGHT away that something amazing was going to happen with the hubs. We said I love you about 6 weeks in!
you betcha ! Who doesn't just wait for that magic to hit ?
Great story. I've fallen in love at first sight and confirmed it afterward.
So, I'm not so sure about love at first sight, but I am sure about FATE. If you're supposed to be with someone, you'll know it by the amount of times you randomly bump into them before you actually get together.
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