Happy December my Sassy Readers!!! I am besides myself that December is here and we are in the final month of the year. Why is it the older we get the quicker time passes us by? I have mixed feelings about December, I celebrate, I mourn, I decorate and bake, shop and wrap...a busy Chica I will be! Except for some reason this year, I have not yet jumped on the Holiday Spirit Ban Wagon, by this time of year my tree is up and decorated along with all my interior and exterior Christmas decorations, by this time I have already started to bask in the song of Christmas music and am singing along...usually by this time of year I have already started my Christmas Shopping and have planned a birthday party for my son.
I can not say what is different about this year, but something in life has shifted, I have no desire to jump on the Holiday Ban wagon, plan parties, shop or decorate. It has not yet snowed in Chicago, could that be it??? By this time it usually has snowed once or twice...well some soul searching I will do to pull myself out of this funk and get on with the celebration of life and all that is to come in December.
Today I wish you a Happy December...what will you be doing this month?
By this time of the year I am usually rationalizing that xmas e-cards are better for the environment and scorning Martha Stewart for her holiday promptness. But I usually pull my act together in the end.
So in my book your still ahead of the game. ;)
Ugh, I totally forgot about Christmas Cards, yikes...I am like a diamond I do my best work under pressure so I am sure I will be on the late frieght, yet will arrive on time to the party!
Thanks for visiting:)
I'm not in the Christmas spirit this year because it is freaking hot here!!! xD
Don't worry you'll get your x-mas mojo back!
Love it Christmas Mojo!!!!
I am hoping sometime soon things will shift for the best!!!
I hope the holiday spirit finds you soon lady. A good Christmas cookie bake sesh always helps me!
I will set a date with the kiddies for a day of baking, maybe that will bring on the Christmas Cheer!
Sassy gorgeous!you!
Xmas is a happy season if you are in a relationship with a guy. An amore.Me? agh!
Happy Holiday!
lots of love
I am so glad I'm back! I missed you!
I for one am so glad it has not snowed yet in Chicago. I have a 150 foot driveway that I shovel, so I'll wait as long as it takes for snow!
Hello Betty:
I agree with you Christmas with the ones you love is priceless!!!
Hey Yankee Girl, so glad to have you back darling, missed ya...yes I can also wait for snow, no need to jinx it they are forecasting snow this week! Hot Damn a 150 foot driveway, that is a lot of shoveling!
Smooches...mwah, mwah!
Sassy Chica
i will be spending time with my family, relaxing and shopping this december. :) I wudnt mind traveling to some place actually. :P
I know what you mean Chica!
I too love the Holidays but have yet to get into the spirit! What's up with that?
I have friends coming over for the holidays and I have made NO plans whatsoever!
im going through the motions, i dont wanna spend money i think, ive been in such a recession mode, budgeting for gifts just isnt fun. i know what i want to get people, but i dont wanna spend the money.. ugh!
i love this picture and love snow! i will prepare everything for christmas this montj!
have a sweet day!
Ria-even if you dont get to travel the rest of your December sounds lovely!!
Sophia's mom-I think I may start looking for Christmas Martini's, maybe that will encourage some Christmas Cheer, wink-wink!
Mary-I am so with you on the budget! I have been cutting back on our spending to simplify the budget that buying for some family(naming no names) which I think we only see 4times a year seems ridiculous. somethings gotta give!
Hi Justyna-Enjoy our preperations
for the holidays, I hope to get a few ideas from you:)
Sassy Chica
How about a christmas-y cocktail? that'll get you in the spirit!
Hi Rosie...Chica I love how you think....I am looking for Christmas cocktails recipes today!!
I do find that lack of snow can make it difficult to get into the Holiday spirit. Give it time, you'll get there. This December, I'll be baking, trying not to go bankrupt as I shop for gifts, and I'm gonna try not to gain a zillion pounds from all the Christmas goodies that seem to be EVERYWHERE. Hope you're having a good December Miss Sassy!
Thanks for stopping by MP...it is so easy to pack on the pounds in December...ugh, I need to find low cal cocktails and baked good to help stay on track!
Sassy Chica
I am a holiday nutcake. I bake, shop, bake, eat, shop bake, bake....uhhh bake. And I LOVE my tree, but like you mine isn't quite up yet. I have to wait until after Sinterklaas (which is over the weekend) since my other half is Dutch and wants the tree after the national celebration.
Happy holidays!!! x
I will be avoiding all forms of stores and counting the days before my holiday vacation and 40th birthday!
awww, I wish I had more time for preparing... I will try to gather myself...
have a lovely day, darling!
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