OOH-La-La, Marilyn Monroe is the essence of the word SASSY!! I have a deep admiration for her and her journey through life, here are some words of wisdom to ponder!

Va-Va-Voom, I adore her for being curvy, confident, gorgeous, fabulous and owning it!!

Anthony and I started dating right about the time I lost my job last year. I was teary and overemotional at times and would apologize to him about it and he kept saying "If I can't deal with the storms I don't deserve you when it's calm."
Lora-what a darling man you have there...your a lucky CHICA!
well said!
I adore marilyn. I think she was beautiful inside and out. Great quote and great pictures *kisses* HH
I love Marilyn!
She was gorgeous but not so fortunate.
love and
hugs hugs
Jennee-thanks for stoping by and commenting:)
HH-I agree Marilyn was beautiful both inside and out and had an amazingly loving soul!
Betty-Sad but true, a woman with so much love to give and so unfortunate not to recieve it back!
I LOVE that quote! Very true indeed!
she really was gorgeous. have you read the book 'blonde' by joyce carol oates. it's based on marylin monroe's life. it's ridiculously long, but excellent.
Oh Marilyn, how I adore her so. Thanks for stopping by today, it was great to meet you and browse your lovely blog. Have a wonderful holiday season :)
I love that!!! I should have that framed and give it to my hubby for christmas! I don't think he'd find it funy but I sure as hell would!
She really was stunning!
I love, love, LOVE Marilyn!!
She was so gorgeous!
what a sweet blog. love your template! and you're in illinois? that's where i was raised. have a great day!
There was something about Marilyn that made me not want to take my eyes off of her. She really was the original sassy chica. Come stop by for a slice of San Francisco...
I have never seen that quote before and I love it!
love this quote- and love Marilyn. and love you of course! :)))
have a fab weekend, xoxo
She went to my high school.
well said hun!!lovely post.
Rock on Marilyn! I am so blessed to be married to a dude that takes my worst (i.e. PMS) in stride. Ah ha
loved her words of wisdom..she defenitely was a woman of character!
I. Love. Marilyn.
I have a huge picture of her on the wall in my office.
Sigh...to be a blond bomb shell ;)
Agreed, she is beyond fantastic!
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