MySassy friends and I were having a few cocktails the other night, when I noticed one of them constantly making and receiving text messages, curiosity struck so I asked "who is it that you keep texting"?
With a saucy look on her face she responded I am drunk texting my boy toy, didn't you know it's the new foreplay??? I laughed so hard I got the hiccups and told her, I am so blogging this, tell me more!

My other girlfriends chimed in all at once and said, dating is not what it use to be, it is so much more impersonal with text messaging, instant messaging and email. There were a few married Chica's among us, and they also said that they drunk text their husbands and use text messaging as a form of foreplay...now I was really eager to learn more, single and married Chica's are using text messaging as foreplay...bow-chica-bow-wow. The next night I was amongst some guy friends and I asked them what they thought about drunk texting or foreplay messaging...they said "THAT'S HOT and went on to say who doesnt want to read saucy messages?!?
That is when I knew I had to take this to my readers.....
What is your take on drunk texting, instant messaging and emailing...inquiring Sassy minds want to know??
P.S-Yes, this is how Tiger Woods got caught (text messaging), so no comments on that lamo, let's keep it about us!!
I have most definitely drunk texted but no text foreplay. the husband has to learn to text first...sigh.
I'm a serial drunk texter, but never for foreplay purposes. My phone bill is paid for by my work and I have no idea what kinds of things they'd be able to see. :)
Vodka Logic-thanks for commenting, give the hubster a quick 101 on text messaging(wink, wink), if you make it interesting you may have to only show him once:)
Saltsays-oooh valid point and one to grow on!!
Thanks for commenting:)
That is so funny! Not for me tho' I can barely text when I'm stone cold sober, let alone do anything intelligible when I'm drunk!
Merry SITSmas!
Merry Sitsmas Adrian!!!
Thanks for your comment, I also know some friends who have the same opinion about texting, they can barely do it when needed let alone when not, they say what happend to the good ol days when you picked up a phone or waited for a date to romance your love interest!
I've done it! Before I got together wit my sx bf we would flirt around and stuff tons of fun!!! ;) It's a good way to begin some sort of relationship with someone and see where it leads you!
OMG drunk texting is the new foreplay...brilliant.
I've done it before a few times. I gotta admit that I love it lol. I've only done it with ex-boyfriends or someone I was exclusively sleeping with but they seem to enjoy it.
Too old and too married to know about drunk texting, but if I ever decide to cheat on my hubby I will be up-to-date on the new methods - thanks Sassy!
Drunk Texting? I can totally see that...It's private and you don't haveto go outside where it's quiet to do it.
Alls I text are the "don't forgets" to Hubby...Don't forget to pick up kid #2, don't forget to pay the phone bill, don't forget to buy dog food, don't forget I didn't cook tonight so there's no dinner...etc.
Whats your take on texting naughty pictures!
sounds like sassy fun to me!
Hi Maggie-I love your adventerous nature, flirting is sassy and saucy:)
Chelsea-I also thought it was brilliant too, thanks for visiting!
Ms. Q-thanks for your honesty, I think it would also be a fun to get the party started, wink, wink.
Andi-never to late to start, give it try...and please do share how it goes! I have known of couples that are at the same party and send saucy text to eachother!
Rosie your hilarious, great way to get the honey do list documentd! Great point I so forgot to touch on Naughty pic texting, that is part of the foreplay!
Annie, I agree it sounds sassy and saucy...who doesnt like a little foreplay?
I can't figure out sexting sober, let alone attempting it drunk!
I am not very savvy with electronics! haha
Hi Otin...thanks for visiting and commenting, please do stop by again soon:)
Oh no, no, no! I can't do that. Do you know how many times I've sent texts to the wrong people?
hmm i hav never done anything of that sorts. :P
i am hearing about this for the first time baby... thanks for the info :P
Looks like fun! i think i can't do it!!
Thumbs Up! Only with the BF though :).
Texting is def the new foreplay.
LOL that's brilliant :)))
I'm starting to think I've been married too long! I've been hooked up since BEFORE text messaging was even a thing...Actually, I didn't even have a cell phone when we started dating. Wow, maybe I need to spice it up!
i thought it was called sexting, but maybe thats a whole other blog post!
Oh yes I have drunk texted and have plenty of friends that do all the time and or you can still be sober and flirt text ! It's always fun to read those sexy text..lol
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