Happy Monday!! Hope all you Sassy readers had a great weekend!!!
I am optimistic and happy about change these days; as I mentioned change at first was painful and confusing(still kinda is), however I understand that "things fall apart so that other things can fall together
On a sweeter note, the New Orleans Saints Came marching in...Winning yesterdays Superbowl!! This chica had a great day with friends, food and football! It was even sweeter to win a few bucks on my bets...hot damn, mama's getting a new pair of shoes (and a handbag to match)!!
Friday and Saturday were extremely productive in regards to taking personal inventory of my life and heart, I made it a point to sit and reflect on many of the things I do and feel.
I realized that I am over apologetic, (even if it is not my fault, I tend to apologize) and then I read this quote below:
While taking inventory, I also realized that I am an emotionally driven person. I thought I wanted to be a tough skinned person, one who can let things roll off their back, take things for what they are and move on or not dwell on hurt feelings!
That is not me, it never has been, I am a tender soul, easily wounded and yes when my feelings get hurt I dwell!!
I came to the conclusion that I will no longer apologize for being me, for sharing my feelings and standing strong for what I believe!! I will also not dwell but relish in the fact that I have heart to feel!!
I am making slow strides every day to healing my heart and soul, I want to thank you all, for your constant support and encouragement!
I hope to your having a great day and wish you a FABULOUS WEEK!
How was your weekend, what did you do???
Sassy Chica
Hi SassyChica, I found you from SITS and I love your blog !!!
I am following you now, and it would be great if you follow me too =)
What a beautiful post!
Thank you for posting this. I'm pretty emotional too, but one thing I want is to not let everything get to me..
I LOVE the quote! Especially, because I can relate! I apologized to much to someone and they really didn't deserve it because I was talking about the truth and being honest.
actually i really like both of those quotes...
Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?
love this post, love the quotes, love the honesty
didn't love the superbowl outcome as much as you ;) but i did enjoy the game!
i liked what you wrote.esp the pic you have put about not saying sorry.. loved that the most.
nice post!!i had a gr8 time during weekend. My brother n sis-in-law are here from the Netherlands,so i am having a blast with them. :)
i think friends say...no apologies needed :)
I am always blown away by your honesty, darling- it gives me hope.
have a fabulous week, xoxo
feeling the quote! I pray that EVERYTHING works out for you the way you want it to as well as it needs to be. Ma weekend was pretty relaxing.....didn't watch the game because I was too busy lounging with snacks and ma Simpsons Marathon going, LOL! Be Blessed Sassy!
I'm the same way. I'll say something honest and then when I get home, I have second thoughts aboutwhat I said or regret saying altogether and hope the person doesn't think bad of me.
I used to apologize for everything and then one day I just stopped. It was the best thing I have done for my life.
Being true to yourself is the most important thing!
I love your attitude, Chica. :)
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