Hello Sassy Reader...wow, time flies!! It's been a week since I have posted...not because I have forgotten about you or even that I didn't have time, in all honesty...I had nothing to say. Can you imagine that, I had nothing to say!! I have always been one with something to say and if I had nothing to say I would make something up, I was scared of silence. However I have learned that one must be silent or practice silence to hear our inner voice.
Over the past month and a half I have done much soul searching...I went as far as asking the Divine and Universe for change in 2010, be careful what you ask for...you just might get it...and this Chica got it.
While searching my soul and surfing the web, I found this quote and it made all the sense to me..

AND this is what I found...
Letting go is sometimes so badly needed in your life that you can't move on without that happening.
Thank you for such a sweet reminder of that!
I always need friendly reminders to loosen my grip and let go. We get invested in our efforts that have led us in the wrong direction and we won't give up! Thank you, SITStah!
Holding on to things those arent just meant to be hurts.... it just hurts. Letting them go on the other hand is wise and also shows the strength.
Nahl...I agree that there are times we can not move on until we JUST LET GO!!!
THAT GIRLS FUNNY...WELCOME, so happy to have you, please do visit again soon!!
Harini...you are on to sometihng...holding on to hurt and dissapointment is much easier then letting go...but once we do we feel empowered!!
Serious stuff here and I love IT!
Thanks for visiting my blog, I am now following you also!
Have a great day !
Letting go isn't always an easy thing to do, unless you really set your mind to it. Only then can you move on.
great post...
now if we can all follow this great advice.
Welcome AMY, thnks for visiting please stop by again!!!
Chloe-letting go is one of the most difficult things to do and I agree a mindset must first be in place to move forward!!
Hello Muse-ahh yes reading advice, getting advice, giving advice is all fabulous but following advice is the true test!
Great message! I've been doing a lot of reflection lately and have been taking steps to change the things I don't like about myself. I'm proud to see that it's going well because I created a plan and I stick to it. Good luck with your plan and in letting go.
cute site!
I love it!!! This is so beautiful and uplifting!!! Thank you for sharing this with us!
wonderfully uplifting thanks for sharing
Hey, you have an award in my blog ;).
I love that last photo~ uplifting!
I am really trying to let go of the small stuff, but for some reason it's harder than I expected it to be.
This was a great post.
wow... soul searching..
& this quote makes complete sense to me to...
you stay beautiful too!
Wow, you're really finding lots of inspirational quotes aren't you.
Love this!!! & Great blog~ Love it!!! ;) LA
Very deep!! Sometimes it does take a lot more strength and will power to let go og things or people! Big hugs to you chica!
Happy Sits day!! I now following you:) When you get a moment stop by my blog if you like.
Awww yes, letting go ! You're so 100% right :) Especially since you read my latest post, you know I'm struggling with letting go (of a certain someone) and accepting the situation for what it is.
I like to listen to "The Hardest Part / Postcards from Far Away" by Coldplay .. it goes a little something like this "the hardest part was letting go.. not taking part". Which is also really true, it's easier to engage in something than to let it go once you're involved in it.
Thanks for the great post darling !!
love that last quote and yes letting go is the best sometimes.
always love your posts- sorry for being a bad blogger friend lately, I will come and comment more, I just couldn't find the time for blogging...
take care, darling.
Love, I gave you an award on my private blog! :)
I hope you are fine since we havent heard of you for a while :) left you an award on my blog if you happen to come by
Letting go...I know what you are saying, but I wonder sometimes if I could...
Life might be better if I could.
Thanks for giving me something to mull over.
I am now a follower! x
Why are we not hearing from you?
Miss you!
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