How have you been...better yet, where have I been and what has this Sassy Chica been up to?
I have been growing, learning, and being awesome! How you ask??? With self determination and the help of a selected few loved ones...
I made it my mission this year to grow and take advantage of many tools so readily available, such as self-empowerment/self help books, online links and life counselors(I call them this, simply because are already in my circle of life-family,friends, they lovingly counsel and encourage me as I grow). The selected few whom I share this experience with are of all walks of life. A choice I made to purposefully be open to anything and everything which would
help me better understand myself.
By opening my mind I was able to breathe in change.
And here is where I take control! Things at that new year, were a bit out of sort. I had no clue how much more out of sort they would become. I asked the Divine and Universe with everything I had for change; however I was not specific...and change came at me in droves!

My heart, mind and soul have since changed and I am proud to say for the better!! This came at the painful cost of being completely broken down. It felt as tho everything had to fall apart (or so it seemed), in order to see all of the pieces for what they were. I then had to make decisons to pick the ones up that I wanted to keep and discard those I no longer needed. This process lasted for months, it was both exhausting and painful.
While growing and changing, one of the lessons which helped me move forward was this:

Sassy Chica
Love this! I frequently doubt myself and my ability to be awesome in the face of adversity. Glad to know other people are lumbering toward self-improvement along with me!
Love it!!! Hope you are doing great!!!
Christa-I am so happy that I have others to be AWESOME WITH!!
I was at a loss of words for months, until I gained the courage to blog about my growth, once I saw it as growth!!
Thank you for visiting and plese to visit again soon!
Sassy Chica
Misty...Hey mamacita!!!!
All is good and a work in progress!
I want to catch up with you real soon and am on my way to visit your corner of the blogosphere.
Aw, you are such a big sweety. You're blog always cheers me up and I'm so glad things are looking so good for you and I hope you continue to kick major ass chica!
Love it!! And how are you doing?
Hi Maggie!!
Thank you for your kind words and readership, you too bring much cheer to me!!
Sasy Chica
Hello Harini!!!
I am doing well, I have love in my life and a pep in my step...some days I regress only to find that others I make much progress!! As I said careful what you ask just may get it! I asked for change and change is what I got...I am happy to be learning, growing and finding the true meaning to loving oneself!
Sassy Chica
so good to see a post from u!! hope u r doing well. :)
Hello Ria!!!
So nice to hear from you as well:)
Thank you for stopping by, I will be visiting you again soon.
Sassy Chica
I love the quotes/photos you include. They really add something extra special to the post.
I love all these positive posts!
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