Taking in a deep breathe, the air smells lovely and feels warm on my face. I am in love with this day!!
I spent some time thinking about what to write for you my darlings...I wondered and wondered and wondered...until I recalled just a tidbit of a poem I once read...titled; I wonder

I wonder if he thinks of me when a couple strolls along, I wonder if he yearns for me when he hears our favorite song, I wonder if he wishes for me when the night is long...I wish and wonder until my wonders run out, but most of all I am wondering what he is wondering about????
I am not sure why that poem came to mind, but it was what brought me to today's topic and Title, WEDNESDAY WONDER.
I tend to spend much time analyzing and wondering why people are the way they are or why they do the things they do...(myself included).
Thinking out of the box here for a moment, could it be that we are the way we are, due to what was going on cosmically at the exact moment we were born?
Is there such a thing as cosmic magic? I recently found this neat site cafeastrology.com, where you can get your natal birth chart..from this chart you get a better insight on what was going on cosmically at the time of your birth, which may be why we are the way we are.
Simply enter your first name, gender and time and date of birth and location and it gives you a complete readout...go on and try it, please do tell me what you think?
I am loving the Chicago weather lately! All I did last weekend was sit on my back deck and drink wine. It was wonderful!
Beautiful poem Chica! its sounds like we are having the same weather! I had to mention it in a post as well. Enjoy ya day!
I really like that poem.
And I do believe in astrology. Thanks for the site recommendation. I am going to check it out right now.
Ooh that sounds fun !! Ill have to check it out. Enjoy your weather! Yay for sunshine :)
Love the poem:) Love your blog!
Yankee Girl-It was a great day for Beer/BBQ/Bags/and Baseball...CUBS WIN!!
MCF-I love this weather, warm enough to catch some sun, but not too hot to be uncomfortable. Hope you enjoyed it:)
Hello Sophia's mom, that site it pretty cool...enjoy!!
Mary RC-I love me some Sunshine and think it's FABULOUS!!!
Sparkly-Thanks CHICA!!
Chica, this was a wonderful post. Sometimes we can just wonder about so many things during the day. I say we stop wondering and take some actions instead! lol
Thank you for sharing this chica. I will check the site out and tell you what I think after I check it out!
wow gorgeous picture;
thanks for your comment!<3
ah, one of these days i'm going to make it back up to chicagoland...
i'm headed to check out the site...nice diversion during packing i think!
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