Last week zipped by in a hot second. This Chica has been busy working on herself, looking for work and keeping up with family and friends
The weekend was awesome!! I love, love, love the weekends!!! As I may have mentioned before I am a die hard Chicago Cubs fan and was pleased that they swept their series at Milwaukee.
Friday was low key, some dinner/drinks, followed by watching the Chicago CUBS WIN!!
Saturday I attended a FABULOUS wedding and when I say Fabulous, I mean FABULOUS! The people seated at our table were amazing and so much fun...love them all!! I also met some new people, which I enjoyed immensely. One chica sticks out in my mind, she was gorgeous and darling. Her and I chatted for a bit, when she said to me "I am so glad to have met you...you are very interesting and "Wild At Heart". I am not sure if that was a compliment, I think she meant it as a compliment?
I LOVE to be surrounded by positive energy, good energy, love energy. I am an emotionally driven person and feel rejection when love is not reciprocated. One thing I have learned about myself is my emotional neediness is not a weakness!! I think that is what draws people to me. I can relate to the wonderful Audrey Hepburn, who was quoted to have said "I have an enormous need for affection and a terrible need to give it"!
I have a question for you...what do you think "Wild at Heart" could have meant, and just for my own curiosity, are you emotionally driven?
Sassy Chica
I am going to guess she means that your have a wonderful and carefree spirit that shines through your positive attitude toward others! Those qualities are definitely "heartfelt" and easily recognized! I am sure it was a compliment...you are fabulous!!!! Hope your day is going great so far!
Such a fun post : ) I LOVE that you had fun at the wedding! It is so great when you have fabulous table companions, isn't it? So great : ) Hope your week stays wonderful!
Hmmm...I think that "wild at heart" meant that you are free with your emotions and that is a good thing! She saw that you are honest and beautiful! :)
House Queen-thank you so much darling you are too kind with your comment!
Life W Kaishon-Yes it is awesome to have great table companions! and Fabulous Companions in life...like my bloggy buddies...thanks to you all!!
MiMi-thanks sweetheart, your comment is somthing to ponder on!
Sassy Chica
I see wild at heart and I think bubbling over with FUN energy. I'm certain it was a complement!
I love how you ALWAYS have a positive attitude!
Hey chica, I'm glad you had an amazing weekend!! I think that is what everyone needs to be surrounded by good people you know? I think she simply told you that you rock girl!!! :D
Kristin-bubbling over with fun, Love it!!
Andi-thank you, I think the same of you!!
Maggie-I agree we would all be better off in good company!!
I love being around happy, positive people too! They can make me feel better even when I'm blue!
thanks for your comment sweetie!
wild at heart( i have the AE sweater with that on it LOL!) i think it means someone that appears shy or calm; is actually really wild at private :)
I agree with House Queen.
I think she meant it in a good way, and it generally means, wild, fun, crazy, living life for the best and to the fullest.
Sounds like a great weekend! I am a huge Angels fan myself. I was happy we took the series from the Yankees ;)
wild at heart wild probably indicates with out ny bounds and artificial gestures... wow it seems quite a compliment... thnks 4 comment sasy // keep commenting
i think she said "Mild at heart" :)
When we're wild at heart we're deliriously happy? =p May be. But thanks for your comment Chica, =)
Wild at heart sounds very much alive to me. It is something very close to "Sassy" no?
Glad to see you are still doing your thing, chica.
The Redhead Riter-I have missed you, so sorry I lost you when I switched over computers I lost many of my favorite links. Thanks for stopping by:)
EM-Do you think being mid 35 makes me too old to sport one of those AE Sweaters? Cuz now its amust have:)
Jewels Diva-Your a sweetheart thank you for your comment, mwah!!
Join the Gossip-I love Baseball SEASON!!! I hear the Yankees are stacked this year, have yet to read their stats. I am not a Yankee fan!
Nitwit-Thanks I am also starting to think it was a compliment:) and yes I will be visiting again soon.
Suree-LOL:) thanks for visiting pal!!
Ally-I want to be deleriuosly happy..hmmm, maybe that will be my next goal...thanks
Florida Girl meets the Midwest...I think you are right..Wild at Heart...is equivelent to SASSY, HOLLA!!!
I love weddings. I always have so much fun. I think that 'wild at heart' probably meant more 'free spirited', which actually can be taken as a compliment or not. I think free spirited is great because too many of us are stuck in the confines of our lives. But others can think of it as more flighty.
I think you are wild, free and just plain awesome.
no my dear, *YOU* sound fabulous ;)
wild at heart = the only way to truly live
I too am emotionally driven, sometimes it gets me into trouble! I get rejected when someone does not like me, but I learn to move on. I love that Audrey quote and it sounds like you had a nice weekend! Loving your blog as a first time visitor. :)
A Cubs fan AND a chica like me? I will definitely have to subscribe to your blog! :-)
It's a compliment. I'm not wild at heart anymore (sort of like water doused the fires, but it still kind of smolders a bit). Wild at heart means your HEART is free (not that you are wild).
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