Hot Damn, well "HELLO MAY" so glad your here!!
The newness of spring encourages me to see all things beautiful and remember that everything starts with a seed!!
Nature is coming into bloom and I love it, love it, love it! I feel like I too am in bloom; my heart is so open to LOVE and BELOVED!
I would love to indulge you with the details to a Sassy and Fabulous weekend, but this past weekend was spent in bed.
Bow..chica...bow...wow!! Not quite; I fell ill Friday with a sinus infection/head cold. This chica was not happy, I initially thought "what a waste of a weekend"!!
Then, I realized that maybe it was the rest my body needed. My family left for the weekend, yet I did not feel alone. It was more of a blessing to have this time to lay around, recoup, drink tea and gaze out the window and appreciate the true beauty of nature. Smell the scent of spring and give thanks for all the wonderful changes that have come from within me, the Sassy Chica, this year.
At the new year I planted a seed within my heart and have been feeding, loving and nurturing that seed. I was looking to fill a void within my being, but only I could do it. It's amazing my sassy readers, I have found that the void was a longing for true love. It came in the form of: SELF LOVE, SELF ACCEPTANCE, and SELF FORGIVENESS!!
This chica is now in bloom...look out world I am channeling the Goddess within!
Then, I realized that maybe it was the rest my body needed. My family left for the weekend, yet I did not feel alone. It was more of a blessing to have this time to lay around, recoup, drink tea and gaze out the window and appreciate the true beauty of nature. Smell the scent of spring and give thanks for all the wonderful changes that have come from within me, the Sassy Chica, this year.
At the new year I planted a seed within my heart and have been feeding, loving and nurturing that seed. I was looking to fill a void within my being, but only I could do it. It's amazing my sassy readers, I have found that the void was a longing for true love. It came in the form of: SELF LOVE, SELF ACCEPTANCE, and SELF FORGIVENESS!!
This chica is now in bloom...look out world I am channeling the Goddess within!
How is your 2010 thus far and how will you celebrate MAY??
Stay Beautiful!!
Sassy Chica
I can't believe it's May already!!! How I will celebrate? In Greece babe!!
You are fabulous! Don't you ever forget about it!
Hello Sassy one!
It is awesome to meet you as well!
Embrace that Goddess girl!!!!!
Can you believe it is MAY ALREADY!!!
My year is getting better. It started out bad because I broke up with my bf but it has been getting better and I have been healing slowly. but I'm happy again.
May is the birthday month around here! I love May!
Keep channeling your inner Goddess, Beautiful.
You are such an awesome person. I love having some Me time once in while too :).
It was great to read a big positive outlook on what could have been a rant on being sick. Less complaining and more enjoying is a good approach.
2010 has been exciting with a wedding in Puerto Rico.
Fab! Yes I can't seem to understand how summer is already round the corner! May is the month of awareness & peace in my area :) hugs dear!
Looks like you've got lots to do.
May is indeed a nice season. Don't have an exact plan yet, but something will come up.
I'm sure yours would be great.
thats amazing blog
keep blogging :)
n do check mine
Hey Sassy girl !
I've got a little May surprise for you today on my blog :) Make sure you visit me !
Kisses xox
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