Hello Gorgeous...I'm back!! So sorry to all my
bloggy buddies out there who have visited and seen the same post for the past few days. Life has been hectic ; however I have found some balance and am able to enjoy blogs and coffee again!!
Why does it seem that every few months the bottom falls out? Do you think it's to keep and find balance in our lives? Up until recently I thought this just happened to me. One day, all is going fabulous, finances are in order, kids are good and we are living on love street; then the very next day all hell brakes loose and my life is once again out of sinc. I believe that where there is a will there is a way, except finding the way takes time and patience. I now understand why they say "patience is a virtue"!
I also realized that,

So enjoy this fabulous day, as it is a gift, that is why they call it the present! Leave the past behind you, there is nothing you can do about it and the future is still to be. Take life as my uncle use to sing "
Un Dia A La
Vez" (one day at a time)! After all ,that is all we are granted....ONE DAY AT A TIME, no more no less! And remember to Say Hello to Fall...a new
Hope things are nothing but wonderful for you the rest of the week!!!!
Loves to you!
Hey ,you made my day.
Have a great week!! :)
What a wonderful post... you put a smile on my face ! I hope you find your balance again soon. If we didn't get curve balls every now and then, we wouldn't appreciate all the good in our lives... that's how I'm looking at it while I'm dealing with some major curve balls.
I am a worrier by nature. I am trying so hard to overcome it! Every day I remind myself that things I worry about never happen and it's actually helping me a bit. Hopefully soon I realize what a big waste of time it was!
Yay! You're back! I missed ya ;)
Very nice post today. Welcome back!
Happy Autumn!
I love that quote and photo! Happy first day of fall!
what a lovely post- it made me smile :)
I had a crappy day today and that quote is so true... I hope I'll have a great day tomorrow! :))
have a great one, dear.
nice post...i totally agree with you
awww so true!! and how exciting that its fall....i love it!! i hope you're having an awesome day!!
i cant help but smile!!!
lovely lovely lovely post :D
Great word today, my friend. I'm totally diggn' the way you write!
smooches back at ya!
Welcome back, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one falling behind on my blogging sometimes. Like you said, life happens and your post today is right on point for me. Thanks for that!
Glad to have you back, life has a way of tipping us over every now and then to make us take note of which way we are going!! Happens to the best of us!
Love the pictures they made me smile :-)
I (heart) that blogs & coffee sign!
Glad you're back!
Love the post it's fab. !!
Live each day like you're swimming in a sugar coated glass of strawberry margarita, heh. :)
I totally agree that you have to live in the now, and stop wasting time thinking about the past & worrying. Let bygones be bygones and live each day to the max!
The problem with patience is that you don't have any while you're waiting for ''it'' to come.
Whether you're waiting for more money, an illness to leave, school to be over, a new job to come along, we all get impatient while waiting.
One day at a time is definitely the way to go. Make small goals each day so you make your way towards what you want, at least then you can say you've done something to help yourself while you were waiting.
Coz things don't happen unless you make them happen.
What a gorgeous picture! And how true - most things we worry about never really come to fruition, but it wouldn't be life if we didn't worry!! I hope things get better for your soon :)
lovely post hun!!so true and relevant to all of us. :) I m sure i will remember this.
yeah I fully understand what you're talking about! I have a pretty carppy week this week and I thought it's gonna be a blast! whatev!
Hope you're fine Sweetie!
btw. thank you, you shared with me the secrets of your first kiss! dizzy!
bisous. deva.
Way to talk truth!
I didn't know what that was in the middle of the road until I double clicked. Hah, great place to chill!!!!!
Can't wait for Fall, done with this heat! It's weird, you would think one would be more prone to staying in shape for the summer & being in a bathing suit but it's usually too hot to want to work out or go running outside. It's the Fall when I really step it up. The air is invigorating and I also don't want to feel lethargic and blah for the holidays!
WOW, am I in the exact same spot right now!
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