For months now I have been on a quest to get healthy by losing weight, eating right and getting enough sleep. My initial goal was 25by35, to lose 25pounds by my 35th birthday.
My birthday was in July and I am still 7pounds from goal. How you ask...well, every weekend (and sometimes during the week) the hubster and I are social butterflies and along with social gatherings and events comes fabulous food and drinks. I can lose 3pounds during the week to gain 5back on the weekend. Can this be considered a plateau...probably not?
Yesterday, I made a decision, after an intense workout to recommit to my health and blog about it. What better way to hold yourself accountable, then sharing it with the world. My motivation SITScation 2009 in 29days, Sin City, here I come!
So here is my challenge, I am going to...oooh do I dare even say quit drinking....of course not, I will however cut down significantly!! I am also going to target a weight loss of 10 pounds and commit to preplan my meals and exercise everyday, but Sunday!!!
And now for a giggle at my expense, here are my most recent Fitness Faux Pas:
- Belting Out of Tune: yesterday while kicking ass on the treadmill, I was rocking out to Pantera (I am a wide variety music kinda chica) and before I knew it I was belting out "RE-SPECT"...(needless to say I was caught up in the moment)!
- Tripping on the Treadmill: like the belting out of tune was not enough to make me aware of those around me; I followed up by slightly tripping. I did not skid out face first...only because I was holding the bar, thank God!
- Laughing Out Loud: while in the ab class, I noticed a few of my neighbors in the same class. I was working it, owning it, loving it...I was crunching so hard it hurt, so much that I let out....a huge....obnoxious...laugh. I admit it was extremely disruptive and caused the instructor to stop and ask if I was okay. (sidenote: I have a nervous twitch that causes me to laugh). So for the record I did apologize to the instructor, however I don't think she accepted and may work me and the class extra hard next time...should I take her flowers???
Okay well I shared my Fitness Faux Pas, now you share yours.....please tell me I am not the only dork that has faux pas while exercising???
hahaha! Once I've heard that girl farted on yoga class. I think if I were in this class I would be laughing hysterically!
I had the same problem with losing some pounds. I lost it but then I had holidays and I gained the same. I'm in the same point I was last year I think. so I'm quite pissed off. I started my diet and jogging routine once again this week, so I'm looking forward to see me a bit smaller. I would say 20/25 for me.
bisous. deva.
AAHHHH! I am trying to cut back on alcohol to get ready for my engagement pictures!
My fitness faux pas is that I am totally a starer. If someone looks ridiculous, I can't help but stare.
Let's see my faux pas..oh! having my earphones plugged to the treadmill, forgeting about them and trying to walk away from it while I'm still attached to it! Yep, I've done it a few times
LOL!! Those are great!!
Those are so funny!
I've become a grunter when I lift weights. I always hated those smelly men in the free weight section who ALWAYS grunted and now I've become one of them!
And give up drinking? Never.
HAHAHA...Those are fantastic.
wait..give up what??
Hey there. I come by way of Tiaras and Tantrums. I am a big social drinker myself so a long time ago I started halving my wine with club soda. So, if I wanted 2 glasses on any given night without actually having 2 then this would work great.
Hope you reach your goal!!!!!!!!
My mums biggest faux par was falling asleep in yoga and snoring. I couldn't relax because I was having to wait to give her a nudge to wake up - didn't go with her after 3 weeks of it - we laugh about it now though!!
WOW... you're 18 lbs down. Congratulations on that accomplishment. I cheering for you on the other 7 in 29 days... YOU GO GIRL !
You can do it Chica!
oh man... I wish I could commit to that! (the exercising and weight loss not the giving up of my sanity, I mean alcohol)
Good Job!
~ AquarianJwl
Wow congrats! Ha ha. I'll have to try that after I have this baby!
haha, what a great post! We've all been there and done things we'd rather not have! I've been in the yoga class situation when someone farted...we all tried so hard not to laugh. Thankfully the first time it happened (I wasnt the one who let it loose) it was with a bunch of friendly women who we all got to know. We all had a giggle and got on with the rest of our yoga!
Funny faux pas! I've had my fair share of those!! Congrats on the weight loss! That is a great accomplishment and I know that you'll make your goal!!
When you are out drinking, be sure to have 1 glass of water for every alcoholic beverage. It really does help to cut down on the calories and will help keep you hydrated as well :) Enjoy!!
Oh goodness, that was too funny! I've tripped on the treadmill before!
Visiting from SITS :)
I'm with you on the drinking. I cut down a few weeks ago. I stopped having my glass with dinner and only drink on Fri. and Sat, but no more than two glasses.
The treadmill is my best friend lately. I try to run 6 days a week. No music, just kids running around while my husband chases after them.
Hahah oh the boo-boo's. It's all good, the most charming & real woman are the ones that cool enough to admit that they have fumbled at the gym. ;)
I remember in college I was head over heels for this one soccer player, and he was in the gym pumping weights...ummm my eyes were so distracted that I literally was maybe crawling on the elliptical for like a good 30 seconds when our eyes met. Heh, my friends had to tap me and be like umm you might want to pick up the pace if you're planning on getting any kind of a workout. :P
Anyway, on a side note, drinks on the weekend are tough to cut out, but are so responsible for weight gain! Grr, it's always the good things in life, lol.
fauxpas or not, you doing it and thats what counts. i neeeeed to find my motivation, my 20 year reunion is not enough apparently.
ha ha!!that was nice...hope u r able to achieve ur target. I dont have any fitness faux pas coz i am just so done with the equipment and weights work out, i am now moving to something more interesting and exciting like kick boxing and pilates. :)
ooopsieeee :(
but i dont have any :(
Hey Girl,
Cute blog! I love the graphics. Happy SITS Saturday!
So funny! I also enjoyed reading the comments! Congrats on the weight loss!
This is exactly why I work out in my own living room! I have bunches of dvd's to choose from, partly because I won't do it if it's not fun, and partly because I'm quite clumsy and would surely make an idiot out of myself at the gym.
If your instructor can't deal with you laughing then something's the matter. At least you didn't fart like people do in Yoga classes, then she really would've had something to say!!!
Good luck on getting those pesky pounds off. I'm trying myself to get in shape and damnit, it's hard!!!
Ha ha,I dork out and laugh at inappropriate times too!! If you can't laugh.......
Good luck! I committed to being in the best physical shape reasonably possible by my 30th and I pretty much did it. It took a year, but by 30 I was running sprints, lifting a good bit and wearing skinny skinny jeans. By 31... not so much ;)
Dude. Wish I could have seen your "concert." Ah ha. Too funny!
Ha! Funny stuff. I run outdoors with headphones on and great music. Sometimes I catch myself belting out the tunes. Sometimes I've gotten some funny looks and then I realize that I've been singing for God knows how long! Hopefully, it wasn't to the songs with the explicit lyrics... Glad I stopped by from SITS!
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