Hello Monday...so lovely to see you!
My bloggy buddy Lora (who is Fabulous) over at Take Me The Way I Am, was part of a neat assignment from her friend Brooke, she was given five random words and was asked to give her own description of what these words meant to her. I asked if I could play this game too and these are the five words she randomly picked for me.
Here are my FAB FIVE: Love, Internet, Season, Entertainment, Joy
Love - I am in love with the word LOVE; I love to LOVE and be LOVED. It is more than an emotion it is a way of life. I am a firm believer that what you put out into the universe, you will get back. Do not expect all those that you love, to love you back the same, for we are not all alike and if we were one of us wouldn't have to be here. Love is intense, something we can not control and the more we try the more we try to control love the more we may fail at it. Love is not to be understood, but felt and shared. I wish you love...go out and love someone today, give it freely, give it unconditionally, give it often!
Internet - oh, our beloved Internet, where would I be without it??? It is because of the Internet that I have the opportunity to share this blog with you. It is because of the blog that I can share myself with you!! Most businesses are run and managed on the Internet. It has become a bigger than life necessity and the way of the world.
Seasons - I love living in Chicago, where we have four fabulous seasons,(each one different in its own unique way). Each distinct season offers the opportunity to enjoy God's splendid grace with nature! I also love that each season brings it's own fashion!!!
Entertainment - oh my this is a loaded word...full of so many meanings!! Entertainment is to find amusement and delight, best enjoyed with family and friends and on some occasions alone!
Joy - a pure emotion from satisfaction. A kiss from lover, a hug of a child, a warm embrace, a loving face...
I invite you to play along with me and tell me what these fabulous five words mean to you!!

Here are my FAB FIVE: Love, Internet, Season, Entertainment, Joy
Love - I am in love with the word LOVE; I love to LOVE and be LOVED. It is more than an emotion it is a way of life. I am a firm believer that what you put out into the universe, you will get back. Do not expect all those that you love, to love you back the same, for we are not all alike and if we were one of us wouldn't have to be here. Love is intense, something we can not control and the more we try the more we try to control love the more we may fail at it. Love is not to be understood, but felt and shared. I wish you love...go out and love someone today, give it freely, give it unconditionally, give it often!
Internet - oh, our beloved Internet, where would I be without it??? It is because of the Internet that I have the opportunity to share this blog with you. It is because of the blog that I can share myself with you!! Most businesses are run and managed on the Internet. It has become a bigger than life necessity and the way of the world.
Seasons - I love living in Chicago, where we have four fabulous seasons,(each one different in its own unique way). Each distinct season offers the opportunity to enjoy God's splendid grace with nature! I also love that each season brings it's own fashion!!!
Entertainment - oh my this is a loaded word...full of so many meanings!! Entertainment is to find amusement and delight, best enjoyed with family and friends and on some occasions alone!
Joy - a pure emotion from satisfaction. A kiss from lover, a hug of a child, a warm embrace, a loving face...
I invite you to play along with me and tell me what these fabulous five words mean to you!!
Sassy Chica
you are precious :)
Fun to see what words mean to other people! Great post!
Joy is such a great word...
Great answers - they really tell A LOT about you - you are so positive and FUN!
It's all about Love; always has been always will be.
Love, entertainment and joy are all rolled up in my little bambino!
I love your 5!!! I could sign under these ones with both my hands! and love... love love love! How I love "LOVE"!
there are my Fab 5 sassy...
great answers! :)
have a lovely day, xoxo
Great list! I was just in Chicago a few weeks ago! Love it there.
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