He knows how to seduce me.
He knows which candles I like, which music let me forget myself in dance, he knows how to whisper softly into my ear and he knows how to touch me to make me close my eyes. He leads me and I don't mind. I dream about being with him forever. In these dreams I have loved him so, that by now I think I know, what it's liked to be loved by him, so I will love being loved by him. Now he is away for a moment and I wear his Tshirt in the morning to sense his body, while I am drinking my first morning coffee. I love everything about him, his hands know how to touch. His eyes, which know how to look. His mouth, which knows how to speak. His lips, which know how to kiss. Kiss me and only me.

"I was hypnotized by your fairy eyes, like a Tiger in the dark, you were hungry from the start".
And, I had this dream. Me and Him. We were in his living room with Barry White, who was singing deeply for us, we were dancing, he was caressing my neck and arm. We barely spoke, no words were needed. I remember my heart went wild, when I was feeling him as he approached me closer and closer. No space to breathe, to move, we were dancing although neither of us moved an inch. I was lying in his arms, still he was caressing my back, murmuring into my ear. I felt I was in heaven. I felt I had lost myself in every piece of him, just for a couple of beautiful moments. I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to stay with him and fall asleep close to his body.

Ooh-La-La, I get lost in Deva's beautifully written stories!! Bravo, my friend this one was delish and did not disappoint! Please do visit her blog and take in all of of her, as she shares her pure and raw interpretation of love.
My friends, more bad news for me...My aunt in Texas has passed and I am leaving this afternoon to attend her services, therefore I will be gone till the end of the week, please do excuse my absence and know I will be back shortly! (please no comments on my loss, instead I want to read comments about my lovely guest blogger Deva from Always Carried Away)!
Sassy Chica
I love Deva :) I follow her blog and love this post...
I love the first photo. They look so in love.
wow...what an amazing rush of emotions when I read this.
Now that was Naughty..I definitely felt her emotions !
wow, that's amazing, great guest post, darlings! :))
have a lovely day, xoxo
My heart felt condolences for the family and may your aunt get the best of heaven!
have a safe trip!
Deva Deva Deva... what can I say but that she seduces me with words everytime. she wants someone to match her words, well he has ato be a real man to do that :) damn the competition in finding the right one. but as a friend and reder i have alwyas had the warmth and affection i wanted to read and savor in her pours.
love it... love the man ;)
hey dont get jealous!
ohhhh girl! i read this on her blog and loved every minute of it!! made me want to call the hubs and tell him to come home early!! meow!!
Awesome post! Truly describes wonderful feelings!
Wonderful, evocative post.
Great story...!
i so love the element of romance in Deva's posts. :) The post was awesome....and i so miss my guy!!
i am so so sorry to hear about your aunt. you and your family will be in my thoughts.
when you get back, stop over! i have something for you :)
Wow, very evocative for a mid-day read! Beautifully written.
I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. I just found your blog and will be back!
Crazy romantic!
you have fantastic talent. ;) LOVE IT!
All I can say is WOW!
naughty, naughty! :D
Naughty but sweet. Just how I like it!
Naughty but sweet. Just how I like it!
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