O.M.G, I can not believe that we are in the final week of October....Oh, Darling October where did you go??? This month will truly be one to remember with all it's chaos, excitement, good times, sad times, travel and nonsense.
I want to thank all you Sassy readers for your loving support over this past month, my loved one passed away and all arrangements and services are now complete. Thank you for your kind words and understanding of my absence from my blog, I think I lost a follower:( .
Moving forward, lets talk about VEGAS!!! I know you are all itching to get the saucy, steamy, juicy details and I will try not to disappoint. The
SITStah's at
TheSecretsInTheSauce know how to plan a party!
SITScation 2009 was a blast, to say the least!!! They hooked it up at the Luxurious Venetian Hotel and Casino, this is a picture of my room and the bathroom, well let's just say it was nothing short of FABULOUS!! (just between you and I; even though this room was
delish, I was not in it very much).

Hot Damn, I met some of the most Fabulous, Amazingly Gorgeous
Bloggers, like Alicia from
ItAintEasyBeingCheesy, I swear she is my soul
sista, she is AWESOME and FABULOUS....we even share the same birthday!! I also met and rubbed elbows with
LaJollaMom, what a classy and sassy lady, we partied till the break of dawn! Rachel from
SippyCupChardonnay, knocked my socks off with her charming and witty personality, as well as her Gorgeous looks. I
soo have a girl crush on all these fabulous
bloggers and so many more!!!! Now let's get to the juice.......
I arrived in Vegas Friday morning, did a little exploring/shopping in the hotel, which was gigantic and loaded with high-end stores, eateries, bars and gambling(which spells trouble for this
chica)...I needed a rest from shopping and to quench my thirst so I found this darling little
Cantina (Mexican Bar) with great Latin music.
A little while after taking a seat at the bar, a good looking, well groomed gentleman sat next to me. We small talked for a bit, he said he was the CEO of XYZ and gave me his business card (self boasting does nothing for me). A little while later (as I am minding my own business, watching the baseball game) he leans over, compliments me on my beauty and boldly proposes marriage...TRUE STORY. I was taken back and sarcastically said, Wow, now that's one hell of a pick up line; however I must decline. The rock on my finger signifies I am already married! He asked for my number, I deny but stay cordial and then as though the universe saved me, his employees show up to pick him up for dinner. All this and I had only been in Vegas for a few hours...can't wait to see what else happens!
Early that evening was the SITScation opening meeting (a meet and greet), it is there I made friends with La Jolla Mom and some other fabulous Chica's, we were then sent on our way for dinner, to return later for the SITScation Celebration. I took a group of sassy chica's back to the same cantina(for the music of course), we had a light dinner and a few more drinks. Then it was time for the big party, which was a blast, these Chica's know how to get down!
After the party, we made our way to the "Kim Kardashian Birthday Bash at Tao Night Club". I scored some VIP hotel guest tickets earlier that day and like I always say "If it's Free, it's for Me". The party was crazy, we only stood in line for all of maybe 15minutes, then we were ushered up 4or more flights of stairs ended up on the rooftop, then made our way down to the first floor, yea can you say totally overrated and overcrowded! It took us longer to get to the first floor from the rooftop then it did to get into the party! The place was bumpin with great music and gorgeous people, hot stuff coming thru, from every direction...all kinds of Boobs and Butts hanging out, we partied like Rock Stars, until the break of dawn! Here is a pic, I am not paparazzi, nor do I get a thrill seeing famous people, however I do get a kick out of scoring VIP tickets and Free Drinks!
Okay, this post has already gone on way too long, so the rest of what happened in Vegas, will stay in VEGAS to protect the innocent! Okay maybe I will post the juice from day two and three tomorrow...only if your interested. The Conference was well worth it, I recommend attending next year, I am already marking my calendar for it!
Sometime this week, I will also catch you up on this Hottie Tottie Halloweenie Party I was at this weekend, it was insane!!! Since turning 35, I feel alive and this Chica has Arrived...let the good times roll!
Sassy Chica