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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


How would you define beauty, who or what would you define as beautiful???
According to an online dictionary, "BEAUTIFUL" is having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind.

If I was asked to define beauty, I would say beauty is in the eye of the beholder (I know, sounds cliche)! We all see beauty in many different ways, some may only see outer beauty, but those willing to look deep within see so much more. Yes, the outer shell may be magnificent and easy on the eyes; however if the inside does not match the outside can you truly call that beauty?

These past few weeks, being with my ill loved one, I have had time to put into perspective the the word "beautiful". If someone asked me who is the most beautiful I know, I would have to answer my Uncle, whom I adore. He has lived his entire life loving others the way he has wanted to be loved. He is a manly man of men, like John Wayne(his all time favorite movie star), however he was never to manly to openly show his endearing ways and ability to have a tender word for most. This made a great impact on me which was something to admire and more importantly learn from. I now understand a little bit more about myself, why I love to be loved, I seek loving attention and that it is not a weakness to have a tender and sensitive soul. Most importantly I have learned from my loved one that the love you put out into the universe, will come back to you!
So here is my question for you today:
There are no right or wrong answers, as long as you answer from your heart!
Sassy Chica


mommakin said...

I wouldn't want to narrow it down to one... Your story did remind me of my own uncle, though. He was quite old when he died - deeply wrinkled, no hair on his head, lots in his ears, age spots covered most of his skin. The last time I visited with him, I thought he was truly the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. It was the only time in my life that I really, really wished I could paint, because a photo wouldn't have done it justice.

Ally Wasmund said...

I think this POST is beautiful. :)

I'll have to get back to you on who I think is the most beautiful. That's a toughy! I might have to write up my own blog post about this. Hmmm...

Sharon said...

I have a mom and sister who are beautiful - inside and out. They are the finest women I know. I wish I was more like them!

Rocky Mountain Memoirs said...

The first person that popped into my head was my daughter. She is beautiful inside and out. She wrote a fantastic poem for an English assignment and as she was reading it, I was blown away at what an awesome and creative 11 year old she is! I'm both thankful and amazed at what a beautiful young woman she is becoming.

Michie said...

What a beautiful post! There are several people in my life that I find to be beautiful people.

I agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What some of us find to be so beautiful others may not, it's what makes us all differently "beautiful".

Drahdrah said...

First person that popped into my mind was my daughter, mainly because is is still innocent (most of the time).

Susan said...

love this post and I totally agree, cliché or not...
my boyfriend is the most beautiful person in the world! :))
have a lovely week, xoxo

Jennifer said...

I just read your comment on SITS today, and before seeing it was from you, I thought, "I can't wait to check out that blog." I smiled when I saw it was yours - love reading your blog daily!!

Flory said...

Lovely post! As I read your question at the end, I new instantly that my grandmother, who is no longer with us, is the most beautiful person in my eyes, inside and out!

The Grown-Up Child said...

My grandmother. No question. She wasn't just beautiful either. She was gorgeous!

Claudya Martinez said...

I can't choose just one. I am surrounded by beauty. I am blessed.

Archana said...

I'm going to sound totally corny, but I feel like I see beauty in everyone around me. It varies in degrees, but everyone's got that special something that makes them beautiful. It's hard to pick just one! :) Adorably lovable post!

Betty Manousos said...

I can't choose. A lot of beauty around me.!
Love the topic and post!!!!!
hugs hugs

Martinis or Diaper Genies? said...

Britney Spears


Suri Cruise

no surprises here.

Rosee Rouge said...

Great Question! You are the first Sassy latina blogger (aside from me) I have seen out here in bloggyland! I'll just have to foloow you!

MaryRC said...

i agree that it is in the eye of the beholder, cliche but true.

my grandmother, she had a vast capacity of unconditional love.