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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just Let Go

Hello Sassy Reader...wow, time flies!! It's been a week since I have posted...not because I have forgotten about you or even that I didn't have time, in all honesty...I had nothing to say. Can you imagine that, I had nothing to say!! I have always been one with something to say and if I had nothing to say I would make something up, I was scared of silence. However I have learned that one must be silent or practice silence to hear our inner voice.
Over the past month and a half I have done much soul searching...I went as far as asking the Divine and Universe for change in 2010, be careful what you ask for...you just might get it...and this Chica got it.
While searching my soul and surfing the web, I found this quote and it made all the sense to me..
Wow, how powerful is that??? JUST LET GO!!! Most of my life I have stuck it out, seen it through and hoped for better results, when all along I knew I was spinning my wheels and it would be that much easier to just let go. So I finally did...I LET GO!!
AND this is what I found...
So here is my suggestion for you today.....STAY BEAUTIFUL!!!
Sassy Chica

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Simple and Sweet

Hello Sassy Readers!! Here is a little something simple and sweet to ponder!

Wishing you a day full of love and laughter!!


Sassy Chica

Monday, February 8, 2010

Fall Apart, Fall Together

Happy Monday!! Hope all you Sassy readers had a great weekend!!!

I am optimistic and happy about change these days; as I mentioned change at first was painful and confusing(still kinda is), however I understand that "things fall apart so that other things can fall together

On a sweeter note, the New Orleans Saints Came marching in...Winning yesterdays Superbowl!! This chica had a great day with friends, food and football! It was even sweeter to win a few bucks on my bets...hot damn, mama's getting a new pair of shoes (and a handbag to match)!!

Friday and Saturday were extremely productive in regards to taking personal inventory of my life and heart, I made it a point to sit and reflect on many of the things I do and feel.

I realized that I am over apologetic, (even if it is not my fault, I tend to apologize) and then I read this quote below:

While taking inventory, I also realized that I am an emotionally driven person. I thought I wanted to be a tough skinned person, one who can let things roll off their back, take things for what they are and move on or not dwell on hurt feelings!

That is not me, it never has been, I am a tender soul, easily wounded and yes when my feelings get hurt I dwell!!

I came to the conclusion that I will no longer apologize for being me, for sharing my feelings and standing strong for what I believe!! I will also not dwell but relish in the fact that I have heart to feel!!

I am making slow strides every day to healing my heart and soul, I want to thank you all, for your constant support and encouragement!

I hope to your having a great day and wish you a FABULOUS WEEK!

How was your weekend, what did you do???

Sassy Chica

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fabulous Friday Find

Happy Friday Sassy Readers,

I loved the words written above that I have made it my daily mantra!!

I hope you are all doing well, I sure do miss you! I have been hard at work...working on me and I can see some progress! I have spent so much time worried about everyone and everything leaving little time to take care of me. I have found that it does not matter what others think, you can not consume yourself with what others are doing...their lives are theirs and you are wasting your precious time. Progress is bliss, but the road there was and is extremely uncomfortable.

I share this with you because I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I need, I fear, I cry...and I know you do the same things too, so really we are not that different me and you!!

So here we are on this FABULOUS FRIDAY, what will you be doing this weekend? The one thing I know for sure is I will be taking time to pamper me and Sunday is dedicated to FRIENDS, FOOD and FOOTBALL!!! My pick to win the Superbowl...New Orleans SAINTS!! What about you??

Sassy Chica

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Not Yet What I Am Going To Be

Happy February!! One month down eleven more to go! January was a work in progress...I am happy to report that much progress was made and life is headed in the right direction!

2010 you are rocking it out so far. Late last year I asked for change and in order to change one must be open to it...but what I wasn't expecting was to be broken.

Thee best way I can explain is when you demolition a house...you must first plan out how you will go about the demolition, what tools will you need, who will help with the demolition and how will you clean up after all the walls are torn down, all the floors have been lifted etc.

That is how my January started out I started by setting my 2010 goals and resolutions, then I found tools to assist me in my change, I surrounded my self with people to encourage and support me and felt the despair of the mess when I finally let my guard down and tore down all the walls I had built to keep hurt out.

After the demolition was done I looked around and there was a mess, what was even more confusing was how to start the clean up! One day I hope to share the clean up with you, but for now all I can say is I could only take it one day at a time. I love the pic below, it expresses what I feel!!

Sassy Chica