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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saucy Saturday

Guess which Chica is getting Saucy at SITScation 2009??? This Chica, is getting Sassy and Saucy at SITScation 2009!!

I use to be a renegade follower of SITS, not really sure why I never joined??? I would log on daily, enjoy the featured blogger and learn about new blogs. Until a few weeks ago, I had an epiphany, that by joining sits I would be part of a fabulous community...so I registered and left my rebel ways behind me.

Two Friday's ago, after a night out with our neighbors, I came home (2AM'ish) logged on to SITS and learned that there were two tickets to SITScation available. Like the somewhat superstitious Chica I am, I immediately thought "it's a sign" and sent an email to every address provided on the site, asking for a ticket. A few days later, I received word that I was one of the lucky Chica's to get a ticket, hollaaaaaa!!!

This week I booked my room and can officially say "I will be getting Saucy at SITScation 2009"!! Look out Vegas, here I come!!! I have never been to 'SinCity', and can't imagine why they would call it that(sarcasm, of course), but I am determined to find out!!

The hubster is on the fence about whether or not he will travel with me. I mean he will have to amuse himself all day Saturday, while I am at the conference. Which I am certain, he will have no problems finding something to do! So my next assignment is to continue to shop for flights and hope to find a fabulous deal. After all, when "it's a sign", everthing puts itself into place!



{oc cottage} said...

Vegas is one place you will never forget! ;)

m ^..^

WhiteSockGirl aka The Fabulous Bitch said...

I'm green! Want to experience Vegas myself,.. but yeah, at least I am in the desert already.

Happy SITs Saturday Sharefest!

Unknown said...

Congrats on going to Vegas. I lived there for 4 years and would love to go, but unfortunately I have a business trip planned that week. You will love the food, atmosphere and fun vegas has to offer!

Dreamgirl said...

You lucky girl!
I wish I was going too... but it's a bit too far from Norway!

Just dropping by from SITS to wish you Happy Saturday Sharefest!

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm so excited for you! It is a sign!!!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Hi. Visiting from SITS. I so want to go to Sitscation. Lucky you.

Night Owl Mama said...

Wooo Hooo that is fabulous I know your going to have a great time. WIsh i could attend. SO have extra fun for me

COme by for a visit

Darcel said...

How exciting for you! I bet it will be fun lots of fun. I've always wanted to visit Vegas.

Sandy said...

Awesome! I came by to welcome you to SITS! Enjoy Vegas! :0)

Just Lisa said...

Congrats! I can't believe you were a closet SITSta for so long! I came by to give you a warm welcome! Glad you decided to step out of the closet! Have fun in Vegas!

Dumb Mom said...

Leave Hubby @ home so you can party it up with the ladies! We (me & BFF) will be there with bells on. And, hopefully something else, because otherwise, that would be scary;)! Anyway, congrats on getting those tickets. Can't wait to meet ya!

Penelope said...

Congrats! Lucky girl :)

Welcome to SITS, it's great you *finally* joined!

Carma Sez said...

Yay! Enjoy your trip, fellow SITSta :D

Stopping by to say welcome! I know that you will enjoy being a part of this vibrant community of bloggers :-)

Anonymous said...

It's going to be so much fun that I'm a little scared! I will either make a complete ass of myself, or I may walk away looking like a rockstar. I suppose it's entirely possible that I'll fall somewhere in the middle and leave with a wealth of knowledge, new friends and be my same average mom self...which might work out well for all of us!

Andi said...

I was on waiting list and got a ticket when someone canceled! Grabbed it on a hot second when they offered! Looking forward to meeting you!

Cynthia said...

So glad you got a ticket. I will be there and look forward to meeting you. I think we are going to have a great time!

Tiffany @ Mine Are Spectacular! said...

I am one envious SITS Sista!!

Can't wait to read your update on how awesome your trip was!!