A few months ago, I came across a FABULOUS blog
WhenHeKissesHerPassionsRoar. What drew me to this blog was the
intensity of the writers way to capture her emotions. One
of the very first posts I read was "40Things I May Never Say, But Want". I was in love, the idea of writing down and sharing with your lover what it is that you want...why didn't I think of that???
As I started to prepare for Naughty November, one of the suggested titles from a fellow FABULOUS Blogger Alicia(
Holla) was to write about "WHAT A GIRL WANTS" or something along those lines. I attempted to write about it, but kept thinking back to the amazing post I had read by Desi. So I wrote her a quick note asking if I could share her work with you...she graciously agreed, so here it goes. Please do visit her, I have included her link above..and let her know I sent ya!!
40 Things I May Never Say, but Want:1. Come grab me at my waist.
2. Have a conversation with me.
3. Share your secrets with me.
4. Give me your shirt, I like to wear it when you
aren’t around.
5. Kiss me whenever and wherever, slowly at first and then passionately.
Are you remembering this?
6. Hug me tight.
7. Hold me.
8. Laugh with me, at me!
9. Take me somewhere I have never been.
10. Let us hangout with our friends together.
KEEP READING ...11. Smile at me, with me.
12. Take my pictures often and randomly.
13. Pull me onto your lap.
14. When I say I love you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When my friends say “I love her more than you”, deny it. Fight back and hug me tight. It makes me feel more naughty.
Are you still with me? I might never repeat this?16. Hug me and say ‘I love you’ whenever you see me.
17. Kiss me unexpectedly.
18. Yes, please me from behind around the waist.
19. Tell me I am beautiful. It never is enough.
20. Tell me the way you feel about me.
You need to do to show me you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for me, walk me to the car – it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman. Men are essentially non-existent.
22. Tell me I am your everything – only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask me – if I deny, it means I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT – so just hug me.
24. Make me feel loved.
25. Kiss me in front of OTHER girls you know! I want to make your girlfriends jealous.
26. Don’t lie to me please.
27. DON’T cheat on me please.
28. Take me ANYWHERE but take me with you.
29. Text message or call me, even if it to tease me, I love your voice.
30. Be there for me, even if I say I don’t need you.
Everytime I count on you.
ARE YOU STILL READING THIS? YOU BETTER, BECAUSE IT’S IMPORTANT.31. Hold me close when I am cold so I can hold you too for warmth.
32. While in the movies, put your arm around me.
33. Don’t ever tell me to leave even jokingly or act like you’re mad. If you are upset just don’t tell me off, I can keep quiet too.
REMEMBER I MEAN WHAT I SAY, no HIDDEN meanings..33. When people
diss me, can you stand up for me?
34. Lay down under the stars and put my head on your chest so I can listen to the steady beat of your heart.
35. When walking next to each other grab my hand.
36. When you hug me,

hold me in your arms as long as possible.
37. Comfort me when I cry and wipe away my tears.
38. Take me for long walks at night.
39. Always remind me of how much you love me and need me and want me.
I ALWAYS WANT TO KNOW I AM LOVED. AND I KNOW THIS SEEMS REPETITIVE BUT I REALLY WANT YOU TO LISTEN TO MY SILENCE, LIKE I WILL LISTEN TO YOURS AND UNDERSTAND THAT WHATEVER YOU DO, YOUR LOVE FOR ME AND MY LOVE FOR YOU, WILL ALWAYS KEEP US TOGETHER!I hope you enjoyed this list as much as I did...what would you tell your lover or future lover you want?? Sometimes, needs and wants just need to be told!!
Make it a GREAT DAY!!
Sassy Chica