Today is the kiddies first day BACK TO SCHOOL! This morning started off a little after 5am( why it takes my Diva teenage daughter an hour and a half to get ready for school is ridiculous)!! Shortly after she departed, it was time to wake up my second grade son. He took an hour himself to get dressed and ready for school. He was so excited about meeting his new teacher and making new friends!
I am so proud of my children and the people they are becoming. They are respectful, smart, friendly and both looked fashionably fabulous for their first day at school!! I held them tight, hugged them and kissed them before they left, I then proceeded to take pictures (lots of them). This annoyed them. I know, because they told me so, but whatever; I 'm da mamma!!
I was oh so emotionally sappy this morning, it took all I had not to cry. Sending my babies out into the world after months of having them under my wing and close to me was gut wrenching. I am not sure what hurts more the fact that they are growing up or that we can not do anything about it.
Shortly after the kiddies left, my hubby also left for work and I was home alone. I am left to wonder what ever will I do, with the day all to myself??? Since last week was a bit chaotic, I have plenty to keep me busy. I have real exciting stuff planned; I even made a list...laundry, dishes, dusting, vacuuming and more laundry.
I can't complain and won't complain about my domestic duties. After becoming a DomesticEngineer a year ago, I have been granted the opportunity to enjoy so much of my children's life. It is a total change of pace from the glamorous sales job I had, but this is what life is all about..FAMILY and I thank God for my healthy FABULOUS family!!!