For years I wished myself away, you may be thinking how can you wish yourself away? I would think to myself, if only I was thinner I would be better at this or I wish I was thinner so I could wear or do that. IF ONLY's consumed my thoughts and distorted the way I saw myself!
I did not believe in myself completely, even though I walked with my head high and faked it most of the time. Luckily, I surrounded myself with good family and friends who would often remind me of how smart, beautiful and sexy I was, even if I was not at my ideal weight! For the longest time, I was also not able to take a compliment, with out turning it around and complimenting back...subconsciously getting the attention off of me and back on to them.
Back in November of 2008, I had to have my Gallbladder removed (minor surgery, painful recovery), at that time my Doctor advised me that if I did not start taking better care of myself I may have future health risks. My family is prone to Diabetes, Heart Disease, Multiple Cancers, High Blood Pressure, sounds like a concoction for destruction. I then set my short and long term goals and started working towards them. I have tripped oh so many times and backslide more times than I care to admit; however I did not quit!
One of the lessons I have learned in my crazy life (and it is crazy) is that weight loss is not a destination, it is a journey and until we understand and really commit to putting effort every day in the choices we make(food, drink, exercise, sleep, etc) the weight may initially come off, but it will not stay off.
Today, I took a walk on the wild side and weighed myself on the Sexy O' Meter...see for yourself I weighed in on the border of HOT and LOVELY...I'll take it. After all, like I said last week: Sexy is a sense of confidence...so work it, own it, love it!

Drum Roll PLEASE....
weight loss this week: 4.5
You may be wondering how I lost so much in one week, since it is more than the average woman looses in a week??? The only explanation I can offer is my body was late to the party, but I am glad she finally arrived! I have been continually exercising, eating well, getting enough sleep and had hit one of the longest plateaus...I stayed positive and with a heart full of hope, waited for the day that my body would catch up to the effort I was making and she did!!!
Sassy Chica